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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents                                            Club Veterans

         April 7th meeting at 7 PM in the Retreat.  Look for the email invitation.            GREAT NEWS! The VETERAN’S GROUP’S annual
         Since this will probably be a popular meeting and due to limited seating             Spring BBQ is now being put together, so plan ahead so not
         RSVPs will be needed.                                                                to miss the best BBQ in these here parts. This year’s menu
         We also heard from Joe Patterson who is running for CA Assembly                      is even better than the last we will be presenting Specially
         District 5.  This is our District Seat that is currently being held by Kevin         prepared Chicken thighs tender and juicy and pulled Pork
         Kiley.  Here is a quote from Kevin, “Many have asked if there’s                      slow smoked for a deep smoked flavor. Side dishes will
         someone good to take my place in the Assembly.  The answer is                        include; Super Mac & Cheese, Baked beans, Cole slaw,
         emphatically yes.  I’m proud to endorse Joe Patterson to carry on the                dinner rolls and desert. The price of the meal is $35.00 per
         fight.”  Joe is a current member of the Rocklin City Council and has                 head.  Remember this is a charity event, all proceeds go to
         worked for the CA Legislature.  Joe believes the knowledge he has       the Placer County Stand Down to help Veterans in need.
         gained working at the Capitol will flatten his learning curve and allow   Mark your calendars for May 21st; this is a high demand BBQ event that
         him to go right to work restoring our liberties and protecting our quality  sells out every year so do not wait until the last minute, seats are limited!
         of life.                                                                For those who want to participate they can purchase their tickets in
         Check out our HOA Group page at  advance from 10:00 to 12:00 noon at the Club, on Saturday 04/23,
         for more details and upcoming events.                                   Saturday 04/30 and Friday 05/13. The Vets will have a table there so you
                                                                                 can enlist to hold your spot. All checks payable to the Club Veterans. No
                                     Club Crafters
                                                                                 tickets will be sold after 05/13 or at the door.
         Every Tuesday 10AM join us in The Library.                              We are still collecting used and tattered US Flags for
         Whatever your craft, learn new skills, complete                         proper Flag retirement and destruction as required by
         unfinished projects, expand your abilities while                        Federal law. At the moment we are planning for the
         enjoying the company of your friends and neighbors.                     ceremony to happen in June. The actual date will be
         Our ongoing project is making blankets for                              announced later after we coordinate with the local Boy
         Sacramento Blankets for Sacramento Kids. SBSK                           Scout troop who providing the ceremony. If you have a
         provides handmade blankets to children in the                           flag(s) you can drop them at the club front desk and we
         Sacramento and Placer Counties, in addition to State                    will pick them up. And when the date and time is set all
         and National emergencies, such as forest fires. The blankets are        those who want to join us are welcome to witness it.
         distributed to children in homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We   There is no charge for this event.
         accept knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from                   Club at WestPark Democrats
         the community for donation.
         We continue to give to Sacramento Shriners Hospital. Every year         This is an election year so our meeting in April and for the next few
         Shriners has a wish list of items they need; anyone in the community is   months or so will focus on support of Democratic candidates running in
         welcome to contribute. All of these are great projects to give back to the   Congressional and State primaries in our new Districts. While we’re
         community while doing something fun with your neighbors. If you have    promoting candidates with fundraisers, mailings and phone banks, join
         craft items you no long need or want, we are happy to take them. For    us, as we also have fun with convivial social events, potlucks and
         more information about our group, projects, or to donate items, contact   restaurant get-togethers. Come and hear interesting speakers and join
         Denise Caputo at 916-782-1663 or email            lively discussions on important events. It may surprise people to know
                                                                                 that there are close to 450 registered Democrats in our Community. And
                                    Club Trekkers                                with the new redistricting maps, the odds for electing more Democrats in
                                                                                 Placer County are better than ever. So let’s turn our County Blue!
                                                                                 Our March meeting was in-person at the Retreat with excellent
         Hiking always highly rated for maintaining good health, and mental      attendance once again. Guest speakers were Victoria Pfau for
         acuity—better than Prevagen, and much lower in cost.  Hikes for April   Congressional candidate Kermit Jones campaign and candidate Rebecca
         will take place on the first and third Tuesdays of the month and the    Chenowith who is running for a seat in the State Assembly Dist. 5. One
         following Saturdays.  On the alternate Saturdays, neighborhood walks    of our own in WestPark, namely Scott Alvord, is standing for the Board
         will take place on local sidewalks and pathways.  Emails will be sent out   of Supervisors District 2 and support many Democratic principles that
         using The Club’s email system to Club Trekker members a few days        we endorse. We finished the evening with small group discussions on:
         before each hike or walk.  At the end of March or early April, the Club    1. If willing to tolerate $10 gas to stop Putin, would we do the same for
         Trekkers expect to hike in the North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve.   Climate Change?
         An email will be sent out a few days before with instructions on        2.  Are party progressives holding Biden’s program back?
         obtaining the required individual CDFW Lands Pass for the hike.         And coming up in May, Paula Villescaz, the endorsed candidate for
                                                                                 California State Senate District 6, will be speaking.  Paula is a dynamic
                       Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters               speaker and very knowledgeable on local issues. Plan to join us at the
                                                                                 meeting to show our support! For more information about Paula, see her
         We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you   campaign website at
         have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222

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