Page 13 - 2022-04
P. 13
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Shutterbugs Wii Bowling
of a small flower or inside of a small flower from your yard would be the please email Barry & Diana Gray at to receive
little picture. new player information which includes the process for making your
Our April field trip has CHANGED and we will be going to the High monthly reservation. Dues of $3 per person are collected on the night of
Hand Nursery April 22nd for the photo shoot and High Hand Café for the event and prizes are awarded to the highest scoring team. *Please
our group lunch. Watch your email for the registration information. As remember vaccination is required to attend.* We hope to see you then.
many of you know this location is full of photo opportunities.
Let us know what you think.
•Loomis, Lincoln, or Penryn old towns The Wine Appreciation Group (WAG) welcomed back members to our
• Hot Chili and Cool Cars (September?) March Event “Take Time to Smell Flowers and Taste Wine”. Members
• Sutter’s Fort enjoyed a variety of wines and yummy appetizers provided by Chef
• Coloma Pioneer Days Jenica.
A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize on the way we For April’s Wine Club event, we are welcoming “Elevate Winery” to be
present photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry held on Thursday, April 14, 2022 with paired dishes provided by Matt at
and he will prepare for showing at our meeting. You will do the Gourmet Garage. Details of this event have been emailed to WAG
narration. Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore Members.
this should make it easier for everyone. A big thank you to our WAG Steering Committee Members, Dee &
PLEASE SEND TERRY AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PHOTOS AS Brian Parry who have decided to step down from the Committee. Both
“ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not imbed your photos in the body of the Dee & Brian committed so much time and energy to the Wine Club and
email which makes it longer to download your files. If you have a words cannot express the sincere appreciation to them both!
question on how to do this, please contact Terry Brady. We welcome Bonnie & Tusk Pavri as new members of the Steering
PLEASE NOTE! If you no longer wish to receive any email from our Committee. It will be a pleasure to have them working with teams and
group, please send a quick note with the TITLE providing their expertise with wines.
REMOVE ME. As a friendly reminder, if you sign up for the WAG event and are unable
All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of to attend, please contact the Host or Helen to let them know. Thank
our Facebook Group at: you!
groups/436603713658143 If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
This is a great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try. questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
For questions, please contact Terry Brady or Lou via email at
Frank at or any of your steering committee members. “Spring and Wine Breathes New Life into the World Around Us”
Singles Group Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
We're still looking for someone to plan April's event. One person or a Ye Olde WestPark Players presents
group of people can plan an event. Pick something you'd like to do and our Spring Dramatic Performance,
take a chance! Our usual meeting date is the fourth Sunday of each "TWELVE ANGRY JURORS"
month. The event can be our traditional dinner at a local restaurant, it FRIDAY, APRIL 1 at 7 pm
could be a get-together at The Retreat, a trip to the movies, we've even SATURDAY, APRIL 2 at 7 pm
gone miniature golfing! It's pretty simple to plan, call the location and SUNDAY, APRIL 3 at 2 pm
make a reservation and then take the RSVPs from residents. The Please join our Drama Group in a
Communication Direction handles all the publicity. If you'd like to compelling courtroom drama
volunteer to plan an event (it doesn't have to be April, any month that's featuring some of your favorite
convenient works,) contact Dona Smith at actors and a few new faces. We are
looking forward to entertaining
Spite & Malice you.
Tickets are $5. Proof of full vaccination is required when you sign up for
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions your tickets.
about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773- Please feel free to bring a beverage of your choice and a dessert to share
6266. with your neighbors after the performance.
Any questions about the group please contact Director Rita DeMatteis:
Wii Bowling
Questions about tickets - call Assistant Director Judy Kurylak at 213-422
Wii Bowling is usually played on the first Saturday of the month. April -5075. Please remember the space is small and can accommodate only
we have a change of schedule and we will be playing on the 2nd 60 people per performance.
Saturday on April 9th. Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for the We'll see you soon!
April game night on March 27th at approximately 6 pm. New players
April 2022 Page 13