Page 11 - 2022-04
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Club at WestPark Democrats Helping Hands 2.0
The Club meets at the Retreat Wellness room on the first Wednesday of Retreat. It is so good to see everyone again.
the month where we invite motivating speakers and continue with small Our FIRST Coffee and Chat of the year (all those delays!!) was held on
group discussions on current concerns. Our next meeting, on April 6th, Friday, March 25 at 9am in the Café. It was so wonderful to see so many
will be in support of Kermit Jones’, preparing mail-out cards in support of you there. It was a great opportunity to meet new neighbors and catch
of his campaign and returning to the small-group discussion group theme up with old friends! We shared breakfast treats donated by residents and
on current events. enjoyed a breakfast drink while being informed all the events that will be
Email us at: for further detail and taking place at the Club in addition to meeting the Management Staff.
join us for an evening as our guest! So nice to be together again!
With so many new residents having moved to our wonderful community,
Cribbage we will be planning a New Resident reception this Spring. We are
looking forward to meeting many of our new neighbors with this event
AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON Many of you always attend our Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon held
Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from each April. We had to postpone it this year, as we did not know what the
10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four. Covid status would be. We are planning it for September 28, 2022. So,
Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom. If you have not played in mark your calendars and we will keep you updated. It’s sure to be an
a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the even more fabulous event than ever.
game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each As many of you know, Helping Hands sends cards to those residents of
others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan The Club who are ill, had surgery, been hospitalized, or experienced a
Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872- death in the family. These cards are lovingly hand made by several of
8984. our residents.
In addition, both Sam McGuff and Maria Winkler “upcycle” used cards
Digital World Club
that you receive, or all those cards that you get from various charities and
To click, or not to click is the modern day soliloquy. At our zoom April use various parts of them to create beautiful new Get Well and Sympathy
meeting on Wednesday, April 13th at 10 am, Jody Oberdank will show cards. They use all parts of the cards, but if you have a sentiment you
us how to identify those fishy looking emails when you are uncertain want to save, you can just remove that section. They will also be making
whether to click on them or not in her presentation, “This Looks Fishy”. holiday, birthday, thank you or ornamental note cards to sell at the Craft
Then, as a follow up, Rick Koehler will discuss the definition of Fair next year and donate the profits to Helping Hands.
malware, worms and viruses according to Microsoft and what you can do So, gather your cards and drop them off at Sam’s home – 317 Lixton Ct
to protect your system. or Maria’s home at 2040 Appersett Loop. Sam has a box on her porch
Please MARK YOUR CALENDAR for Wednesday, April 13th at 10 and Maria has a table for easy drop off. If you would like your cards to
am. (9:30 if you have a device question to ask the team). We will send be picked up, Sam will be glad to do that. You can call her at 1-925-285-
out the zoom link in a separate email along with the meeting notes to the 1049 or email her at
membership. If you need assistance signing up for emails, please contact PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU, OR SOMEONE
Shannon in the office at The Retreat or goto The Club’s website, YOU KNOW HAS A NEIGHBOR WHO IS ILL, HAS HAD and login, click on YOUR PROFILE, go SURGERY, (DON’T FORGET THOSE WHO HAVE HAD
If you have a question or need help with your computer/devices, contact LOSS OF A LOVED ONE. PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE CAN
Rick Koehler @ We will do our best to SEND A CARD WHICH ARE SO APPRECIATED BY THE
help. We always welcome your ideas for meeting topics. RECIPIENT.
See you online in April.
Line Dancing
Hand and Foot
"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of
Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm yours."
until around 4 pm. Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who Stop by our Line Dance class on Fridays at 12:00 Noon
plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards in the Wellness Room where you will find lots of smiles
so that play can begin by 2 p.m.) If you want to learn to play, contact and laughter and yes, also lots of dancing.
Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come Email with any questions.
join us and have some fun. Thanks or 916-834-
4249 Mah Jongg
Helping Hands 2.0 I’m Phyllis Frank and head up our Mah Jongg Group. We meet every
Tuesday afternoon here at our Retreat from 1:00 to 4:00pm. We would
Spring is here! Flowers are blooming and glorious weather! And with love to have you join us. It’s a fun afternoon playing, meeting and
the mask mandate suspended, events are once again taking place at The
April 2022 Page 11