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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)                                          Club Trekkers

         The goal of the Conservative, Republican, & Independents (CRI) Group  Trekker members, it’s always best to be prepared in the unlikely event
         is to provide information that will enable our members to make informed  there is an injury.  This discussion will be lead by Dr. Mike Stouder, a
         decisions about their lives and the political future of CA and the United   member or our community and a fellow hiker.  We’ll use an informal
         States. Our August meeting focused on Crimes related to Seniors and on  discussion format to talk about how to help an injured hiker until
         the Water situation in Placer County.                                   professional help arrives, and also what you can do to prevent
         Supervising Deputy District Attorney, Lisa Botwinik and Deputy District  injuries.  An email will be sent out to the Club Trekkers so they can
         Attorney, Shannon Quigley discussed the types and signs of senior       RSVP to the event.  If you are not a member of the Club Trekkers use
         abuse.  They can take many forms:  Physical, Financial, Neglect and Self your Profile section of the Club’s website to join.  Please call the Retreat
         -Neglect.  Most of these crimes are committed by people we know such    if you have questions on how to use the Profile section.
         as family, friends, and care givers.  Except for scams, very few are    Our regular activities are hikes that take place the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays,
         committed by strangers.                                                 and the following Saturdays, and neighborhood walks on all other
         There are two numbers to report Elder Abuse.  Placer County Adult       Saturdays.  An email will be sent out a few days before each hike or
         Intake is open 24/7 and can be reached at (916) 787-8860.  If the abuse is  walk with details.
         taking place in a Long-Term Care Facility, you can call the Ombudsman  Currently planned September Activities
         Services of Northern CA at (530) 823-8422.                              • Saturday, 9/3 - Neighborhood Walk
         Property title theft, other than when a family member is involved, isn’t   • Tuesday, 9/6 - Five lakes trail from Alpine Meadows, 5 miles,
         nearly the problem that the crime of identification theft is.  It is important  moderate/difficult  $20 rider fee
         to take advantage of free “Credit Reports” at least once a year.  You can  • Saturday, 9/10 - Fuller Lake to Spaulding Lake in the Sierras, 4.4 miles
         also “Lock” your credit and only open it when you need it.  You can get  easy/moderate  $15 rider fee
         legal advice by going to: .                           • Saturday, 9/17 - Neighborhood Walk
         We also heard from the General Manager of the Placer County Water       • Saturday, 9/17 - 10:00AM  Basic First Aid for Hiker Discussion, at The
         Agency (PCWA), Andy Fecko.  The key take-away was that Roseville        Retreat
         has more than enough water for our current and future residents with    • Tuesday, 9/20 - Robie Point Fuel Break Trail in Auburn, 5.0 miles,
         over 340,000 Acre Foot of underground water storage.  Placer County     moderate $10 rider fee
         currently uses about 220,000 AF of water/year.  They have forecasted    • Saturday, 9/24 - Olmstead Loop South & Rim Overlook near Cool, 4.5
         that we will use approximately 300,000 AF with the planned              miles easy $10 rider fee
         PCWA is enforcing a directive given to Placer County by the Governor
         because the County would be fined and could lose future funds for our
         Forest Restoration Projects which thins out the trees to assist with
         preventing forest fires.
         The Environmental Study for Sites Dam, outside Maxwell, has been
         completed and development is expected to start next year.  This project
         was started in 1999.  For more information about the PCWA check out
         their web site: .
         Our next meeting is September 1st at 7 PM.  Our speaker will be Tom
         Hudson, President of the Placer County Republican Assembly, and the
         Parliamentarian for the Placer County Republican Central Committee.
         He will be speaking about some of the Propositions that will be on the
         November Ballot.  We will also hear from Peter Constant.  He is on the
         Board of Trustees for Roseville Joint Union High School District.  He
         will give us an update on our educational system.
         For more information contact Randy Nelson. To join our group contact
         Alice Klang.
                                                                                               Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
                                     Club Crafters
                                                                                 We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.  If you
         Every Tuesday 10AM join us in The Library. Whatever your craft, learn  have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
         new skills, complete unfinished projects, expand your abilities while
         enjoying the company of your friends and neighbors. Questions? Contact                              Club Veterans
         Dona Smith  916-715-5077
                                                                                 This is little to report this month, however the vet’s group is looking into
                                    Club Trekkers                                new ventures to support. No final decisions have been made as of yet, so
                                                                                 it would be unfair to report until all has been voted on by the
          On September 17th the Club Trekkers will host a discussion about Basic  membership. I can say we were dismally disappointed in the fact that the
         First Aid for Hikers.  While no injuries have occurred on the trail by   Annual Placer Stand down was moved up to Auburn. Knowing that
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