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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                      Shutterbugs                                                             Wii Bowling
         SEPTEMBER 1ST SHUTTERBUGS MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT                           Wii Bowling has changed the day of the month for our monthly game
         The Shutterbugs’ next meeting will be in person at our usual time of 2   night. Due to the change of hours at The Retreat on the weekends, we are
         pm. on Thursday, September 1st. We will be sharing our photos from the  now scheduled to play on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each month at 6
         August theme of Hobbies and Interests. Each member should pick one       pm. The next game night will be Tuesday, September 13th.  Please watch
         photo from this topic and our field trip to convert to B&W and show the   for your opportunity to RSVP for September 13th starting on Tuesday,
         color version along with the B&W version along with any other photos     August 30th at approximately 6 pm.  Please note:  If you would like to
         you would like to share. We will also have a short discussion on the dos   receive Wii Bowling group emails, please add Wii Bowling Group to
         and don’ts of composition. Every resident is welcome to join and share   your profile in the directory. New players please email Barry and Diana
         photos without having to be an official member.  We kindly ask out of    Gray at: to receive new player information that
         consideration for those who are at risk that if you are not fully vaccinated  includes how to place your required RSVP for each month's game night.
         and boosted, please do not attend. Please be prepared to share your      There is also a change in dues starting in August to $5 per person, per
         vaccine status.                                                          game night which are collected the night of the event and prizes are
         Our photo shooting theme for the month of September is Autumn Harvest  awarded to the highest scoring team.  Bowling trivia: Three Strikes in a
         in support of our field trip to Mahaney Park Farmer’s Market on          row is called a Turkey.  History has it that in the late 1700s and into the
         September 25th. Watch your email for more information on this event.     early 1800s, bowling tournaments were a popular diversion for all, from
         These photos will be shared at our October meeting.                      the working class to the aristocracy.  The prizes typically awarded at these
         For those looking to learn how to get off auto mode and learn how to use  tournaments were gift baskets of food often containing coveted items like,
         their DSLR-type cameras, we recommend visiting                           you guessed it, a TURKEY!  So do you know what a string of Four It’s free to join and get their emails. They  Strikes was known as?  Check this space in the October Courier for the
         do have inexpensive subscription options that are not required.          answer. In the meantime, let’s see if we can leave no pins standing on the
         FUTURE FIELD TRIP THOUGHTS.                                              2nd Tuesday Wii Bowling game night on September 13th..  We hope to
         Please send us your suggestions on field trips you might like us to      see you there.
         consider.                                                                                     Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize the way we present
         photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry and he  The Wine Appreciation Group (WAG) celebrated “Beautiful Blue
         will prepare them for showing at our meeting. You will do the narration.   Hawaii” and welcomed Sentivo Winery out of Fairplay.  The event was
         Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore this should  hosted by Nancy Donner and Dave Powel with a hard-working
         make it easier for everyone.                                             team.  Chef Jeneca prepared traditional Hawaiian small plates that paired
         PLEASE SEND TERRY AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PHOTOS AS                           with the delicious wines.  Many dressed the part of being in beautiful
         “ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not embed your photos in the body of the  Hawaii.
         email.                                                                   For our September 8th event, we are pleased to have Bailarin Cellars
         For questions, please contact Debbie Ferris   joining us.  They are a Sonoma County Winery that takes pride in
         or Terry Brady or any of your steering committee       working with special vineyards with a story to tell.  Chef Jeneca will be
         members.                                                                 working with the winery to provide a wonderful sampling of foods to
                                                                                  match the wines.  Details of this event have been emailed to the WAG
                                    Spite & Malice                                Members.
                                                                                  It is appreciated that if you sign up for the WAG event and are unable to
         We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions about   attend, please contact the Host or Helen to let them know.  Thank you!
         our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-6266.  Also, if you are unable to make the established dates for payment for an

                                   Water Volleyball                               event, please let your host or Helen know, so that other arrangements for
                                                                                  payment can be made.  We don’t accept payments at our homes and
                                                                                  please do not leave your payment at the Club.  We have you sign (or
         Water Volleyball group is a 'drop in' sport, no dues or RSVP needed! No   whoever may pay for you) the check list to document your
         experience is needed either!                                             payment.  Thanks!
         Two teams are created once everyone has arrived. We keep score, but just   If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
         for that day. We usually play 4-5 games in an hour. Players serve &      questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
         return the soft ball back and forth to make points.                      via email at
         The pool is only 3.5-4ft deep and is heated to 83 deg, so playing in water   “Wine is the Divine Juice of September”
         is very refreshing.  Pool/water shoes are suggested.
         We play every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:45am-12:45pm. If you'd                     Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         like to be added to the SIG's email list to receive updates and reminders,
         including any changes we make to the time or day that we play, contact   Save the Date! Ye Olde Westpark Players will be presenting our Fall
         Dan Ketchum at                                       Production of "Don't Drink the Water" on Nov 11, 12, and 13.  It is a
                                                                                  hilarious comedy!  New members are always welcome - no experience
                                                                                  necessary!  If you are interested in acting or working behind the scenes,
                                                                                  please contact Director Rita DeMatteis:

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