Page 12 - 2022-09
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Club Veterans Digital World Club
many of the vets it serves do live in and around the Roseville area, that it sample emails for signs of fraud & review how to deal with them. Jody
did not make sense to us holding it way up there. To make a long story will discuss the best methods to transition from less secure email
short, the event did not live up to our expectations. providers to more secure email.
We are looking into other opportunities’ where we can have a long-term Jody will hold another brief Q/A session about TV service providers,
positive impact in assisting veterans in need here in Placer County. If the changing TV providers, and cutting the cord.
Stand Down comes back to our area, under new management, we may If you have a question or need help with your computer/devices, contact
then elect to get back involved once again. Stay tuned for I will report Rick Koehler @ We will do our best to
what action we will take once it has been approved. help. We always welcome your ideas for meeting topics.
To be a member of the vet’s group you do not have to be a veteran, all
you need is a desire to help others and be involved with those who have Hand and Foot
stepped up in years gone by. All activities are strictly voluntary. Come
down to one of our monthly meetings to see what is going on and have a Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
free cup of coffee and donut on us. We’d love to chat with you. until around 4 pm. Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
Democratic Forum so that play can begin by 2 p.m.) If you want to learn to play, contact
We are pleased to announce that we are now a new Shared Interest Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come
Group called The Democratic Forum, focused on support, discussions join us and have some fun. Thanks or 916-834-
and conversations on Democratic values, with a Big Tent emphasis. Our 4249
very first meeting was a successful Cookie Party with guest Rebecca Helping Hands 2.0
Chenowith sharing her background, qualifications and goals as our
representative for State Assembly District 5. Website addresses of the Well, you sure can tell it is summer. It is HOT!
other Democratic candidates for donation and volunteer opportunities We had a great July29 Coffee and Chat and looking forward to the next
were distributed. one on Friday, August 26 at 9am at the Retreat. It is a great opportunity
For September we have scheduled an Ice-Cream Social on the 7th at 1:30 to meet new neighbors and catch up with old friends! We share breakfast
at The Retreat with Dr. Kermit Jones and Paula Villescaz in attendance! treats donated by residents and enjoy a breakfast drink while being
As it’s a fundraiser, bring your checkbook and come join in the informed of all the events that will be taking place at the Club in addition
festivities. Did I mention ice cream sundaes? to meeting the Management Staff. Look for the email invitation and
please RSVP. We hope to see you there.
Cribbage We are planning our famous Chili Booth at the Open House at the
Retreat on October 7. Always a sellout, with many different homemade
MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED Chilis, salad, corn bread and dessert for a very affordable price. All
AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON proceeds will go to charity. Don’t cook that night, have a Chili Delight!!
Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from We have been sending out lots of cards lately, mostly due to Covid
10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four. infections. As many of you know, when notified, Helping Hands sends
Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom. If you have not played in cards to those residents of The Club who are ill, had surgery, been
a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the hospitalized, or experienced a death in the family. These cards are
game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each lovingly hand made by several of our residents. PLEASE EMAIL
others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan so we can send a card which will be so
Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872- appreciated by the recipient.
8984. Sam McGuff and Maria Winkler have been busy recreating hundreds of
donated cards to benefit Helping Hands. As a special thank you to our
Digital World Club generous donors, there will be a pre-sale of the upcycled cards at the
Helping Hands Coffee & Chat on Friday, Sept 30 at 9am. These cards
In September, we meet on Wednesday, September 14th in the Library at are unique and affordable. Bring your dollars and get first pick. Cards
10:00 (9:30 if you have a computer/device question). As we have limited will also be offered at the Craft Fair on 12/3, with all proceeds donated to
capacity in the Library, we will be sending out a RSVP to the charity.
membership soon. To be added to the email distribution, add DWC to Have a great end of summer! Stay Cool and Stay Safe!
your groups in YOUR PROFILE on the Club’s website.
Join our September meeting for a “workshop” on using the Apple Line Dancing
iPhone/iPad to take and organize photos. Learn an easy way to take Quotes from a couple of the dancers:
selfies; how to edit and crop photos; take great-looking closeups using "Dancing is like food for the soul" - Joanne
Portrait mode, and how to organize all of those photos on your iPhone/ "I love line dancing! It is fun and provides a low key exercise
iPad into albums, so it’s easy to find a photo when you want it. Bring benefit. It is not competitive, rather a supportive learning
your devices for a “hands-on” meeting. environment with a friendly group" - Martha
Jody Oberdank will continue her series on Scam Awareness with a focus Join us for the "health" of it! We dance in the Wellness Room on Friday
on email fraud & scams at our October 12th meeting. She will examine from Noon to 1:00. Email for info.
September 2022 Page 12