Page 3 - 2023-03
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Next Board Meeting
Laura Young, CCAM Wednesday, March 29th at 3pm
It’s March!
I hope everyone is settling comfortably into 2023. Here we are wrapping up the first quarter of the year. As a reminder for those
who may not happen to receive their quarterly statement, assessments in the amount of $615.00 are due on or before April 1. There
is a grace period until the 15 but that means the payment must be received (not postmarked) by the 15 to avoid accruing late fees. Please
make sure to get your payment in on time if you are not set up on autopay. Click Pay – There is a FAQ sheet on the Board of Directors bulletin
board for your taking if you have any questions or concerns about the Click Pay process.
The library is finally open! Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding, shuffling of groups and gatherings to other parts of the
Retreat while repairs were underway. BrightView has made some changes to the landscape around the building to help deter flooding waters in
future storms and BluSky repaired the building exterior where the intrusion occurred. We hope it doesn’t happen again.
Fitness and Wellness Center - March 1 begins the rate increase for fitness classes moving from $4 - $6. Classes are beginning to fill up. It’s
great to see so many members in both the classes and the fitness center focused on improving their overall health and well-being. Don’t forget,
you have an amazing trainer at your disposal. Let’s keep Jared busy! Summer is coming and what a better way to prepare to tackle those trails
and enjoy that sunshine than to work on your fitness now.
Fun fact about me: I can write backwards and forwards with both hands at the same time. You heard it right… just like a mirror! Send me an
email, give me a call, or stop by and say hi. Share a fun fact about yourself with me. I want to get to know you. Also, if you’re the celebrating
kind… it’s St Patrick’s Day month. Don’t forget to wear green on the 17 ! Cheers!
Helpful Tips If You Fall
You may feel a bit shaky, but you’ve stayed where you fell long enough to do a quick assessment. You’ve decided it’s safe to try to get
up. Here’s a good strategy for trying to get up.
Slowly roll onto your side, push yourself up onto your hands and knees into a crawling position, and crawl toward a sturdy chair, coffee
table, or couch.
Once you’re in front of the steady piece offurniture, put your hands on it and put your stronger leg out first, then get up into a half-lunge
position before rising to a standing position. If you can’t fully stand, you may be able to turn and sit on the steady piece of furniture. If
you can’t crawl because you have bad knees, you can scoot on your bum on the floor or roll your way over to the sturdy piece of furni-
If someone comes to your aid, keep in mind that you are dead weight. There is a risk of injury to the person trying to help you. It might
actually be better to have your helper call a neighbor or 911 for additional help.
If you have a fall risk, carry a cell phone with you when you go outside.
March 2023 Page 3