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Association Events

            Event and activity reservations must be made at The   aboard the bus and check everyone in. For safety, the   sheet so we may plan accordingly.  The first two
            Retreat Front Desk.                             tour monitor/escort will sit in the front seat behind   rows on each bus are reserved for the Monitor/Escort
            Refunds are given only if an activity is cancelled.    the bus driver.                          and any special accommodations.  Thank you.
            Each event indicates an RSVP deadline date and in      PERFUME/SCENTS: Please refrain from      REFUND PROCEDURES:  If an activity is
                                                                                                             cancelled, all funds will be refunded as quickly as
                                                             wearing perfume, cologne, and scented bath products
            some cases may be as much as four weeks prior to   when attending events and bus trips.          possible.
            the actual event, should tickets need to be purchased.
            The popularity of any trip means it may sell out long      CELL PHONES: While riding in a bus or      CANCELLATIONS AND WAITING LIST:
                                                             participating in a group tour, please limit your cell
            before the RSVP date, so please plan accordingly.  phone conversations. We encourage you to wait until   For your convenience, once an event is filled or final
            We load the bus for day trips approximately 10   you are off the bus or able to step away from the   reservations are given, a waiting list will be started.
                                                                                                             Ordered meals cannot be changed.
            minutes prior to departure times stated in each trip   group and can talk privately.
            description.                                    SPECIAL NEEDS: Please indicate special needs      PAYMENT: We accept cash, checks, and all
            Our tour monitor/escort  will board the bus first in   at time of purchase for the trip or event.  We will do   credit cards. For your convenience, you may call The
            order to ensure everything is prepared for our   our best to accommodate all requests. Be sure to ask   Retreat and pay over the phone with a credit card.
            journey.  The monitor/escort will then invite you   the monitor to note the accommodations on the event

         Crab Feeds                                                              State Board Certified and License with California Massage Therapy
         Friday, March, 3rd & Saturday, March 4th at 6:00pm                      Council #2572
         Food is served family style                                             Chair 30 minutes $30 / Chair 15 minutes $15
         Caesar Salad, Penne w/ Lemon Basil Cream Sauce,                         Table 30 minutes $50 / Table 60 minutes $100
                                                                                 Pay therapist directly at time of massage.
         peel-n-eat shrimp, Crab, and Bread                                      **Cash & Checks only**
         Caterer:  years past we have used Fin’s Market & Grill, sadly they have   Schedule your time by calling or visiting the Retreat!
         closed.  Jeneca Kretchman will be the caterer for this event and is
         working with a Seafood supplier in Petaluma who specializes in Crab
         Feeds. The Seafood will be shipped each day directly to The Retreat from
         the supplier.                                                           Watercolor Painting Class
         Feel free to bring a beverage of your choice to enjoy. Water, Coffee, and   The Retreat Thursdays from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
         Ice Tea will be available                                               Want to start taking the class?  Call Maria 916-872-4356
         Reserved Seating                                                        Your teacher is Maria Winkler, MFA and PhD, who has taught art and art
         $38.00/per person                                                       education at several universities for 40 years.  You can see her portfolio
                                                                                 and resume on her web site,
                                                                                 In the class, Maria provides handouts of a sample painting or photograph,
         California Water and You: A Matter of Three Crises                      from which you will paint your own painting at your own pace. Lessons
         Monday, March 6th                                                       will include a critique of the finished lesson and introduction to the next
         4:00 p.m.                                                               project. We will paint a variety of subjects. We discuss painting
         Much has been made in the media concerning                              techniques, and the use of the elements of art: color, shape, form,
         California’s droughts and the crisis facing                             texture, space, and value; and the principles of art, which are balance,
         urban water users in Roseville and elsewhere.                           movement, emphasis, proportion, rhythm, repetition, pattern, variety and
         This discussion will present an alternative view                        unity.  March classes $100.00
         of the problem, highlighting the roles played
         by the law, history, and public ignorance in
         creating a false narrative of urban guilt and                           Lunch Around Town ~ Original Pete’s (Off-Site)
         solutions.                                                              Thursday, March 16th at 11:45 a.m.
         I (Club Resident, William Bowen) am an                                  Meet at the restaurant
         emeritus Professor of Geography who as a                                5005 Foothills Blvd, Roseville 95747
         faculty member at California State University, Northridge initiated and   About the restaurant “At Original Pete's, we're proud
         initially led the California                                            to have been serving the Roseville community for 28+
         Water Atlas project in the California State Office of Planning and      years. We believe our time is a testament to our success and our quality
         Research during the 1970s.                                              food made from quality ingredients. Over the last 28 years, Original
         Copies of the completed atlas may be purchased from Amazon for          Pete's has made a name for itself in the Roseville community as a
         $160.00 or downloaded free from Stanford University’s David Rumsey      restaurant dedicated delivering only the best Italian food.”
         Map Collection     Lunch specials available.
         1979-california-water-atlas-debuts-online .                             Lunch Around Town is open for all residents to attend.  Lunch Around
         FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat                                   Town is an opportunity to enjoy dining at different restaurants with your
                                                                                 neighbors. The restaurants we visit allow us to order off of their regular
         Massage at The Retreat                                                  lunch menu and graciously provide separate checks to all parties in the
         2nd Friday 9am - 12pm - Friday,  March 10th                             group.
         4th Monday 12 - 3pm - Monday, March 27th                                MUST RSVP in advance at The Retreat
         Massage therapist Tiffany Mark

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