Page 6 - 2023-03
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Association Events
Trivia provided with additional cake pops to decorate. Learn the best ways to
Tuesday, March 21st at 6:30 p.m. dip them in a colorful assortment of Easter candy melts. Then comes the
Players will be assigned to groups of 6. You may really fun part - creative decorating! The Instructor (Lyn with Sweet
register with a group of friends or sign up as a Celebrations) will show you several decorating techniques as well as
single and we will put you with a group. Various pictures for inspiration. Using the provided variety of sprinkles,
categories will be covered, points given for correct answers and the participants will create their own masterpieces. Such a fun way to create
group with the most points will be the winners. delicious treats for your family and friends!
*MUST RSVP in advance at The Retreat* What to bring: Box or container to take treats home and Apron
**Bring to the event $2.00 CASH per player for prizes** All other supplies will be provided by the Instructor
Each participant will make 12 decorated Cake Pops
$16.00 per person
Red Hawk Casino Shuttle
Wednesday, March 22nd COOLEY Sings Elton John
Meet at The Retreat at by 8:45 am,
leave at 9:00 am. Sunday, April 16th
6:30 p.n. - 8:00 p.m. COOLEY
Departs Red Hawk at 2:00 pm,
return The Club by 3:00 pm. A night at The Retreat with
The Red Hawk charter bus will be here to pick you up and take you to COOLEY on the piano singing Elton
the casino for an afternoon of fun - at no charge! John and Billy Joel songs.
Bring either a photo ID or your Players Club Card. COOLEY is a seasoned entertainer
Lunch will be on your own. performing for hundreds of thousands of people during his career from
$5 cash deposit required at time of enrollment. 72 hour Seattle to Portland to Tokyo.
$12.00 / per person
advance cancellation required to receive your deposit back.
Cancellations within 72 hours; your deposit will go to the shuttle
driver. The driver has not been tipped. Shredding Day!
Minimum of 15 people needed, Maximum for Shuttle is 25
Tuesday, April 18th at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
10:00 am is the busiest time… come later if possible
Fred Moyer Piano Concert The Shredding Company (AKA Confidential
Saturday, March 25th Document Control LLC)will be on-site to take
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. care of your shredding. They will park in the
For over 35 years, Fred has made a living solely back of the parking lot at The Retreat. No
from concerts and recordings. He plays hundreds of reservations needed… just show up! Shredding
concerts annually across the country, has performed will be done for $10.00 / per bankers sized box
in 44 countries, in such venues as Suntory Hall in which is approximately 10"H x 12"W x 15"D.
Tokyo, Syndey Opera House, Windsor Castle, You don’t have to use a bankers box but can
Carnegie Recital Hall, Tanglewood, and the bring papers down in shopping bags, other boxes, etc. but the dimensions
Kennedy Center. $15.00 / per person above are $10 if you have something bigger it will be $20. They will
bring a vehicle that will shred on-site. This provides a big sense of
Easter Egg Hunt security and peace of mind.
Saturday, April 1st at 9:30 a.m. No need to RSVP. CASH ONLY
Fun for the whole family!
Bring your basket!
9:30 a.m. - 10am Donuts, Games & Coloring “Happy Hour” Pool Party
10:00 a.m. Egg Hunt for kids 0 - 6 years old Thursday, April 27th
10:15 a.m. Egg Hunt for kids 7 - 12 years old 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
$2.00 per person before Monday, March 27th Celebrating the Pool Season with a
$4.00 per person after Monday, March 27th complimentary “Happy Hour” poolside.
Light appetizers, beverages, and live music
will kick up this party. The pool will be
Cake Pops Class - Easter Themed heated starting April 15th and it is always
Friday, April 7th something to celebrate as we kick of the
2023 summer season!
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. **FREE**
Learn how to make your own cake pops along with Must RSVP in advance at The Retreat
tips and tricks for creating these adorable treats. Hands
-on experience at rolling a few cake pops and be
March 2023 Page 6