Page 4 - 2023-03
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Christina Gee Tuesday, March 28th at 8:30am
the office if you find any issues with your irrigation so repairs/
With the unprecedented weather events that hit our adjustments may be made quickly. Water will be set to run Monday
area during December and January, BrightView halted and Friday between 11pm and 6am. The standard run time varies de-
duties that normally would have been completed at this time. pending on the type of sprinklers you have installed. MP rotators run 4
times / 20 minutes each cycle. Regular sprinklers run 4 times / 5
Now that things have settled down, they are working on rose and grass minutes each cycle. Drip systems run 2 times / 20 minutes each cy-
pruning which was scheduled for January. Once the roses and grasses cle.
are pruned, they will have better access to planter beds to remove em-
bedded leaves. Please check out the City of Roseville’s water restriction guidelines by
entering “City of Roseville Managing Drought” into your Google
Although the leaf cleanup is taking longer than anticipated, the decom- search bar.
position of the leaves is providing better nutrients to the soil and plants
than most fertilizers can offer. The more leaves left on your garden, the For those with rain sensors, the irrigation timer will be set the same as
more feed for micro-organisms that make soil healthier, and plants all other timers. The sensor on your home will prevent irrigation from
grow stronger. running when there is enough rain to trigger the sensor. If it has not
received the amount of rain to activate, the irrigation will continue to
The roses, grasses and leaf cleanup are set to be completed by the end run. The sensor will not activate during a light rain / drizzle.
of February. March 1 , BrightView will be back on their regular sched-
ule for mowing (which will take place every other week, or as needed), Sensors have a few idiosyncrasies that are a little confusing. Sensors
edging, weed whacking, and weekly pruning per section. have a dry out time that can be as little as 4 hours, depending upon
weather conditions allowing the timer to turn on even if the weather
Irrigation returns March 1 . It will take about one (1) week to hit every appears to be too damp; however, there are some instances when the
home. Please be patient while the irrigation tech turns on each timer weather may be cold and damp, your sensor may be active until the
assesses the operation to verify that the sprinklers and drip lines are moisture dissipates to a level triggering the sensor that it is dry enough
operating correctly. Although the irrigation may work fine upon initial to allow the timer to run the irrigation system – both dependent on how
start-up, issues may arise after it runs a day or two. Be sure to notify much rain initially triggered the sensor.
Watercolor Painting Class Thursdays 1:30pm
Shannon Van Every Crab Feed Fri., March 3rd 6:00pm or 916-771-7801 Crab Feed Sat., March 4th 6:00pm
California Water Presentation Mon, March 6th 4:00pm
The 2023 Directories are in and available at The Retreat front desk. Please
bring your old issues to us and they will be shredded. Massage Fri., March 10th 9:00am
Lunch Around Town ~ Original Pete’s Thur., March 16th 11:45am
There is still space available at the upcoming Crab Feeds taking Trivia Tue., March 21st 6:30pm
place on March 3rd and 4th. The Feeds are always a blast and Red Hawk Shuttle Wed., March 22nd 9:00am
word on the street is the Crab this year is tasty! Many other Crab Piano Concert - Fred Moyer Sat., March 25th 1:00pm
Feeds are $65 and up because they are put on by organizations who are Massage Mon., March 27th 12:00pm
fundraising. We are operate on a break even basis so the price is reflective ARC Committee Meeting Tue., March 28th 8:30am
of that.
Community Potluck Tue., March 28th 5:30pm
Lunch Around Town (LAT) is back from the winter hiatus. The first Board of Directors Meeting Wed., March 29th 3:00pm
scheduled lunch on March 16th will be at Original Pete’s off of Foothills. Egg Hunt Sat., April 1st 9:00am
The owner of Original Pete’s, Allan, has been a vendor at our Food & Wine Cake Pop Class Fri., April 7th 10:00am
Fair. Allan has owned this restaurant since 1994 and is a hands on owner COOLEY Sings Elton John Sun., April 16th 6:30pm
working hard to take good care of his patrons. We will stay in the area and Shredding Day Tue., April 18th 10:00am
visit Huckleberry’s on April 20th. The inside of Huckleberry’s is Lunch Around Town Thur., April 20th 11:45am
completely different from the Denny’s that location once was. The décor, Happy Hour Pool Party Thur., April 27th 3:00pm
sounds, and smells will take you right to the south and make you feel like
you are in Mississippi. BINGO Sun., April 30th 6:30pm
March 2023 Page 4