Page 3 - 2022-01 Courier
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Job Responsibilities
FROM YOUR ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER To streamline your questions
Christina Romero and concerns Spiro Stamos, General Manager:
Board of Director/Operational
Retreat Maintenance
Voting/Ballot Questions
WELCOME BrightView Landscape limited to, a Holiday falls on one of the days, inclem- Billing & Accounting Concerns
Services and BrightView Tree ent weather, or bad air quality. Resident Portal Issues
Maintenance Beginning January 17 you will see BrightView Tree ClickPay Issues
Beginning January 3, 2022, BrightView Landscape Maintenance on site. The arborists will be providing Christina Romero, Assist. GM:
Landscaping concerns
will be onsite as the new landscape company for The much needed pruning, clearance, weight reduction and ARC Submittals
Club at WestPark. They have a phenomenal plan of crown lifting of the Community trees. The first 2 days Work Orders
Compliance (violations)
attack for the landscape maintenance, and I am very there will be 2 crews and then there will be 3 crews Retreat Maintenance
excited to be a part of it. every day following with the anticipation of work be- Billing & Accounting Concerns
ing completed within 2 weeks. Dormant season is a Resident Portal Issues
BrightView Landscape will be onsite 5 days a week. better time to prune as it does not encourage growth ClickPay Issues
Each day they will be mowing, blowing, and pruning like spring does; however, there is the chance that Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle:
(as needed). BrightView will be working in one sec- some dead branches could possibly be missed as it is Event planning, scheduling, questions
Monthly Courier Questions/Ads
tion per day covering the entire Association within one harder to tell sometimes. BrightView will return, at no SIG (coordination, planning, and
(1) week. charge to the Association, to prune any that may have implementation)
BrightView is also working on a map to distinguish been missed. Fitness Class Questions/Scheduling/
the areas for each day and will be published as soon as In February we would like to hold a fireside chat with Fitness and Event Refunds
it becomes available. In the meantime, Monday, Janu- BrightView Landscape to discuss progress and con- Private and Resident Facility Rentals
Resident Portal Sign-Up
ary 3, 2022, BrightView will begin their journey at the cerns. Our goal, as Management, is to bring the best ClickPay Questions
Clubhouse and work their way around the Community WestPark Website Inquiries
so that each home is visited and addressed by the end quality and service to our Membership as possible. Customer Service Representatives:
of business Friday, January 7 . This rotation will Fitness and Event Registration
Name Badges and Access cards
begin each Monday and continue each week. There Event Set Up and Tear Down
will only be modifications to the schedule if, but not General Inquiries
Shannon Van Every Watercolor Class Thur., Jan. 6th 1:30pm or 916-771-7801 Bingo Fri., Jan. 7th 6:30pm
2022 Resident Directory Jazz Night Sun., Jan. 9th 6:00pm
The 2022 Directory will be printed late December. Please confirm your Weight Loss Kickstart 6 Week Session Mon., Jan. 10th 9:30am
information is up-to-date on the community website. This is where your Sourdough Bread Making Presentation Tues., Jan. 11th 4:00pm
contact information is pulled. If you need assistance please contact me by Art & Wine Exhibit Sun., Jan. 30th 4:00pm
phone or email. Don’t waste your time trying to change your password or ARC Meeting Tues., Jan. 25th 8:30am
figure out your access, just contact me and I’ll help you quickly. New Resident Orientation Tues., Jan. 25th 5:30pm
Mark your calendars! Board Meeting Wed., Jan. 26th 5:00pm
The Resident Art & Wine event is scheduled for Sunday, January 30th from Cornhole Tournament Tues., Feb. 8th 6:30pm
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Come experience Fine Art and Photography created Valentine’s Party Thurs., Feb. 10th 6:00pm
by your neighbors. Enjoy wine and light hors d’oeuvres while viewing their Trivia Sun., Feb. 27th 6:30pm
hard work and talent. They appreciate your support. AARP Driver Safety Course Mar. 14 &15 8:30pm
St. Patrick’s It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere Thur., Mar. 17th 5:00pm
Music events Fred Moyer Piano Concert Sun., Mar. 20th 6:30pm
Music events seem to be the most attended and popular thing we offer here.
There is a big variety coming up over the next few months with Jazz on January 9th, Reggie Graham will be here playing on our piano, DJ
Dancing at the Valentine’s Party on February 10th, then in March we’ll celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with an It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere with
dancing from Gruvy2ns, and on Sunday, March 20th concert pianist Fred Moyer who has played at the Sydney Opera House, Windsor Castle,
Carnegie Recital Hall, and Kennedy Center.
New Homeowner Orientation - this month’s Orientation will be on Tuesday, January 25th at 5:30 p.m. We will go over the role of the
Board, some of the important rules of the community and other items of interest. RSVP in advance at The Retreat.
January 2022 Page 3