Page 5 - 2022-01 Courier
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Association Events
Resident Art Exhibit Please bring your AARP card and Driver’s License to the first day of
Sunday, January 30th class. Must RSVP at The Retreat in advance.
4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
Come experience Fine Art St. Patrick’s ~ It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere ~ Gruvy2ns
and Photography created by Thursday, March 17th from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
community artists! Enjoy The Gruvy2ns have been rockin'
wine and light hors d’oeuvres Northern California for a while
while viewing the hard work now and everywhere they go
and talent of your neighbors. people are simply amazed at the
Artists: RSVP at The sound, not to mention how much
Retreat by Friday, January fun they are. With well over 427
14th - FREE songs in their repertoire, there's
Resident Norm Vig displaying his Attendees: RSVP at The definitely something for
work at the 2019 Art & Wine Exhibit Retreat - FREE everybody.
Feel free to bring a beverage of
your choice to enjoy. Wine
Cornhole Tournament glasses will be provided.
Tuesday, February 8th at 6:30 p.m. Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner
Rules and details will be emailed out to players a served around 6:00 p.m. while the
couple of days prior to play. Play will take place inside musicians take a break.
The Retreat. No experience required! Dinner and Music $17.00 / per person
Must RSVP by February 2nd. Can sign up with a Music only $8.00 / per person
partner or individually and you will be paired with
someone. $4.00 / per player for prizes Fred Moyer Piano Concert
Sunday, March 20th
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Frederick Moyer began
Valentine’s Dinner and Dance Party studies at age seven with his
Thursday, February 10th
Dinner 6:00 p.m. mother Betsy Moyer, a
graduate of Oberlin
Menu: Chicken Marsala, Vegetables, Salad Bar, Rolls and Dessert
DJ Nick will spin the tunes from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Conservatory. In junior high
Dancing and dinner welcoming singles and couples! school, he began studies with
Feel free to bring a beverage of your choice to enjoy. Wine glasses will Theodore Lettvin, and in high
be provided. Reserved Seating. school entered Curtis Institute
$27.00 / per person of Music where he studied
with Eleanor Sokoloff. Later,
at Indiana University, he
Let’s Play Trivia studied with Menahem
Sunday, February 27th at 6:30 p.m. Pressler of the Beaux Arts Trio. Throughout, he coached with his
Players will be assigned to groups of 6. You may register with a group of grandfather David Moyer, a student of Ferruccio Busoni and Ernst Von
friends or sign up as a single and we will put you on a table. Various Dohnanyi.
categories will be covered, points given for correct answers and the For over 35 years, Fred has made a living solely from concerts and
group with the most points will be the winners. recordings. He plays hundreds of concerts annually across the country,
$2.00 / per player for prizes has performed in 44 countries, in such venues as Suntory Hall in Tokyo,
Syndey Opera House, Windsor Castle, Carnegie Recital Hall,
Tanglewood, and the Kennedy Center.
AARP Driver Safety Class His many recordings comprise works by over thirty composers and
2 DAY CLASS reflecting an affinity for a wide variety of styles. His CD of Clara
Monday, March 14th and Tuesday, March 15th Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A Minor was the first commercial
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. DAILY recording of a large-scale Romantic work using an orchestra created
This two day course will be led by Tom McMahon. Hear about the new from sampled sounds. His Mussorgsky/Mendelssohn CD was the first
California laws and how they affect your driving. This class may make using the Bosendorfer 290 SE Recording Piano. Other recordings include
you eligible for a discount on insurance (check with your agent). You David Ott’s Second Piano Concerto with the London Symphony which
must attend both days to receive credit for completing the course. was written for Moyer. Many other composers have written for Moyer
Payment: Make checks payable to AARP and give to the instructor the including Pulitzer Prize winners George Walker and Ned Rorem, and
morning of the 1st class. Donal Fox whose Etudes of 2002-2006 were commissioned by the
$20.00 for AARP members Guggenheim Foundation.
$25.00 for Non-Members $13.00 / per person
January 2022 Page 5