Page 10 - 2022-01 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                           Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group                                                     Wii Bowling
         The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have   The Wii Bowling Group usually plays on the first Saturday of every
         fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All  month.  Due to the closure of The Retreat for New Year's Day, our next
         levels of players are welcome.                                          game night has been changed to the 2nd Saturday or JANUARY
         Days and Times:                                                         8TH.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for January 8th on
         Friday 2-4pm                                                            Sunday, Dec 26 at approximately 6 pm.  New players, please email Barry
         Saturday 2-4pm                                                          and Diana Gray at: to receive new player
         Sunday 2-4pm                                                            information which includes the process for making your monthly
         Tuesday 2-4pm (if Wellness room is available).                          reservation.  Dues of $3 per person are collected the night of the event
         Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to  and prizes are awarded to the highest scoring team.   Let's Strike up some
         our email list.                                                         Fun in January.  **Please remember full Covid vaccination is required to
                                      Poker Club
                                                                                                       Wine Appreciation (WAG)
         Poker is back. Every Wednesday at 6pm to 9pm in The Library. This is
         not cut throat Poker. Win lose or draw it is still fun.                 The Wine Appreciation Group celebrated Holiday Cheers & Wine for
         Call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060 if you have any questions.              our December event.  We had a very fun festive party with a buffet
                                                                                 holiday dinner and lots of give aways of wines, chocolates, and a very
                                                                                 special wine painting donated by Jim Spriggs as the grand prize and won
         Hello Photography friends.  Can you believe another year is now in our   by Tom Jaskowiak.  Special thanks to the WAG Steering Committee for
         rear view mirror and we get to start fresh?  Here’s hoping all of you had a   putting together this event and hosting!
         wonderful and safe holiday season celebrating with your family and      For the January Event, we will be celebrating “Cheers to the New Year
         friends.                                                                2022” on Thursday, January 13th.  Please note the new start time at 5:30.
         Now that you have captured all those holiday memories on that new       Additionally, we ask that you not arrive prior to 5:15, as the Host
         camera or camera phone what do you do with them?  How do you get        Committee is still busy getting everything set up!  Details of this event
         them from your camera or camera phone to your computing device to       has been emailed to WAG Members.
         begin to do some fun photo sharing?  Well you’ve come to the right      Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to host the WAG events
         place.                                                                  for 2022.  Your WAG Steering Committee will be providing a “Host
         The Shutterbugs January 6th in person meeting at The Retreat Library at   Training Session” in January to those of you who volunteered to both
         2pm will dedicate our meeting to just this topic.                       host and to assist.  Details will be emailed to those volunteers.  If you are
         So bring all your questions and let’s have some fun with our holiday    still interested in hosting or assisting for 2022 events, please email to
         photos.  We would also like to encourage any residents of the community   Helen at
         who have not yet been to a meeting to take this opportunity to check us   If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
         out and share your holiday photos.                                      questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
         You can share up to 10 of your favorite holiday photos by choosing one   via email at
         several different ways and we will demonstrate all of them.  You can    “Cheers to the New Year ~ May it be a Memorable One”
         bring your camera’s memory card; you can bring you photo files on a                   Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         thumb drive or you can send them to as attachments
         to an email.                                                            We will be on hiatus until Monday, January 3rd when we begin to
         We will review each process as well as how to organize, store,          prepare for the for our next challenge, the drama Twelve Angry
         electronically share and print your photos.                             Jurors .Until then, have a wonderful, safe, happy,  memory filled holiday
         All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of    season.
         our Facebook Group at:                       YOWP welcomes new actors and needs all kinds of backstage help.  It is
         groups/436603713658143.  This is a great place to easily share your     all fun! If you want to know more about the group please contact:
         photos. Give it a try.                                                  Director Rita DeMatteis, or 916-786-0234
         For questions please contact Lou Frank at or Terry
         Brady at

                                     Singles Group
         We’ll be dining at Cattleman’s on Sunday January 23 at 5 pm.  If you’d
         like to join us, please RSVP to Shirley Hannah at or 916-757-1435.

                                    Spite & Malice

         We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions
         about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-
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