Page 8 - 2022-01 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                             Club at WestPark Democrats                                                   Cribbage, continued

         buffet, great wine, yummy desserts, and games and music associated      a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the
         with all the holidays.                                                  game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each
         We were busy (and had fun) in 2021! Some of the highlights:             others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan
           Heard from great speakers including the Placer County Democrats      Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
         Chairperson and it’s Community Engagement Chair; our own Ralph and      8984.
         Ann Jahr on International Schools and the Promotion of Democracy; Dr.
         Kermit Jones, Candidate for Congress; Keith Diederich- CEO of The                                 Digital World Club
         Gathering Inn; our own Joanne Ketchum on Climate Change; Dr. Terry      We hope that you all are having a joyous holiday season and we wish
         McAteer on ‘Inaugurations: Celebrating American Peaceful Transfer of    everyone a happy new 2022!
         Power.. Most of the Time’                                               We are on hiatus in January to give everyone a chance to recover from
           Held a ‘Supporting our Community’ event that included dining out     the holidays and return from holiday travel. We will be reconvening in
         locally and participating in a raffle                                   February (most likely on Zoom) where Jim Lindauer will present Apple
           Members participated in a ‘Biden-Harris 1st 100 Days’ program        updates as well as Jody Oberdank highlighting the latest scams with tips
           Supported the Newsom ‘No on Recall’ campaign                         on how to keep your devices and accounts safe using 2 Factor
           Joined in a postcard-writing project to Registered Democrats         Authorization (2FA).
           Met at Katherin’s Biergarten to support a local business and meet in-  If you need computer help, contact Rick Koehler at
         person                                                          We do our best to help you.
           Elected Delegates to the 2022 California Democratic Pre-             We will send out a Zoom link in a separate email to the membership. To
         Endorsement Conference                                                  sign up for DWC emails, go to the YOUR PROFILE on the Club’s
           Revised our Bylaws and re-chartered our Club under the Placer        website,, click on UPDATE PROFILE,
         County Committee                                                        then check the DWC box. We will see you all in the new year!
         Next year is a ‘mid-term’ election year, and usually these elections are                            Hand and Foot
         quiet and less popular with voters. Probably not this cycle. Our Club will
         continue to be active in supporting Democratic candidates and the       Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm
         Democratic Platform of initiatives such as excellence in public         until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who
         education; universal single-payer healthcare system; protecting our     plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards
         environment; the right of women to choose their future; and the right to   so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  If you want to learn to play, contact
         free speech without the fear of violence from guns and hate crimes.     Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come
         Mark Your Calendar:                                                     join us and have some fun. Thanks or 916-834-
         Our next meeting is Wednesday January 5th at 7pm (6:30pm social time)   4249
         at the Retreat. We will send an agenda to members prior to the meeting.
         How Can I Join?                                                                                   Helping Hands 2.0
         Contact us at                          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
         I’d like to keep up with our Club’s events.                             We are so grateful to all those that attended
         You can ‘Follow us’ on Facebook (Club at WestPark Democrats), and       and volunteered at the Helping Hands Bake
         find us on the Club’s website under ‘Groups’.                           Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at the Craft Fair
         What are the benefits of joining? A few examples are:                   on Dec. 4. It was remarkably successful,
           Staying informed on issues and gaining new perspective               and we raised more than $1300, which also
           Being able to share ideas and views                                  included donations from some very
           Listening to interesting speakers from fellow members, local         generous residents.  All money earned (less
         business leaders, and members of academia                               expenses) at our fundraising events is
           Participating in Fun social events                                   donated to various charities in our local
         MISSION: The mission of The Club at Westpark Democrats is to create     community.
         a welcoming forum to support Democratic candidates of integrity who     We are so proud to have been able to
         share our values of unity, diversity and equal rights. We strive to use our   donate and Girl’s and Boy’s bike with
         collective power through discussion, information and outreach to put our   helmets to Toys for Tots.
         progressive vision, values and goals into action.                       In addition, we are proud to have donated $300 each to Taylor’s House
                                                                                 (for girls aged out of foster care), Meals on Wheels, Placer Food Bank,
                                        Cribbage                                 Gathering Inn, and Acres of Hope.  In addition, we are donated another
          MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED                         $100 to Adopt a School.  Earlier this year we donated $100 to Adopt a
         AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON                                                  School and $100 to the El dorado County Fire Relief for a total of $2000
         Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from           for 2021.  We are immensely proud of this and most especially thankful
         10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.      to our neighbors for their generosity at our events.
         Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in   We have some events planned for 2022.  We will be helping with the
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