Page 9 - 2022-01 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                            Helping Hands 2.0, continued                                            Neighborhood Watch, continued
         delivery of the 2022 Resident Directory in January. Our All-Resident    Why does a fire engine and an ambulance come when I call 911 for a
         Social with guest Speaker Scott Alvord is scheduled for February 15     medical emergency? Are Roseville Firefighters also Paramedics? How
         from 6:30-8:30 and, of course, looking forward to our Annual Spring     do I pay the bill if I'm on a fixed income?
         Fashion Show and Luncheon on April 20.                                  THANK YOU SAM AND KAREN KEMP
         Our first Coffee and Chat of 2022 will be on Friday, Jan 28 at 9AM and   Thank you to long-time Xavier Lane Block Captains Sam and Karen
         we’re looking forward to seeing you all again and sharing your holiday   Kemp. Sam and Karen have actively participated in many shared interest
         experiences.                                                            groups at The Club and Neighborhood Watch is one of them. This
         PLEASE EMAIL  IF YOU, OR SOMEONE                     dynamic-duo has been a valuable asset to Neighborhood Watch, and we
         YOU KNOW HAS A NEIGHBOR WHO IS SICK, HAS HAD                            will miss them.
         OUTPATIENT SURGERIES), BEEN INJURED, OR SUFFERED THE  There’s a need for NW leaders to serve as Block Captains and/or back-up
         LOSS OF A LOVED ONE.  PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE CAN                      co-captains for three large streets in our community. Also, a special
         SEND A CARD, LOVINGLY HAND MADE BY VARIOUS                              thank you goes out to Nancy Robinson and Linda Hall for previously
         RESIDENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY.                                             serving as trusted captains for Langtree Lane.
                                                                                 THREE STREETS NEEDING YOU
                                     Line Dancing
                                                                                 LANGTREE LANE, THORNECROFT LANE, and XAVIER LANE are
                The Line Dancers wish blessings of Peace, Love and Joy to        three streets needing multiple block captains.  You will need basic typing
                                                                                 skills including, creating group lists and forwarding and distributing
                everyone. We will be dancing every Friday through November
                and December except Christmas Eve (Dec. 24).   Hope you are      emails.  If you are interested in learning how you can volunteer and be
         thinking about making your New Years resolutions with one               part of our 40-member team, email Mia Winter
         being to try line dancing to get your body moving.                      at Go to the NW Group Web page
         Email with any questions.                  on The Club at Westpark website  for more information.
                                                                                 NEW BLOCK CAPTAINS JOINING OUR TEAM
                                      Mah Jongg                                  Mary Pat Frick - Block Captain - Ashbury Lane
         I’m Phyllis Frank and head up our Mah Jongg Group. We meet every        Mike and Anita Lahodny - Co-Captains - Harpford Court & Harpford Dr.
         Tuesday afternoon here at our Retreat from 1:00 to 4:00pm.              Michael Lewis  and Cindy Wohl - Block Captains - Benton Loop
         We would love to have you join us. It’s a fun afternoon playing, meeting  Bob and Penny Meneni - Block Captains - Arlington Court
         and making new Friends. Mah Jongg is a game of skill &                  Kris & Mike Stouder - Block Captains - Brixham Drive
         luck.  Beginners and experienced players are welcome. I have taught     Mia Winter, Director
         many of our players and I am willing to teach whom ever might be        Keeping our neighborhood safe -- The Neighborhood Watch Team
         We play the American version on the current 2021 card, which is ordered                             Orchid Group
         on line from the National Mah Jongg League.                             The Orchid Group will be meeting in January on January 8th at 2:00 in
         Please contact me Phyllis Frank or call 916-749-7641.  the library at The Retreat. At this meeting, we'll talk about the Jewel
                                                                                 orchids. That is a special type of orchid that is typically grown for its
                              Mexican Train (Dominos)                            foliage rather than it's flowers. These are very unique orchids and are

         Our last date of playing for 2021 will be Friday, Dec 10! We will be back   worth learning about and can be grown as a houseplant.
         playing Mexican Train on Friday, January 7, 2022 at 6:30 pm in The      As always, we'll be discussing other topics at the meeting and having our
         Library! If we don’t see you on the Dec 10th, Merry Christmas and       show-and-tell where members and guest bring in their blooming orchids
         Happy New Year! Please all stay healthy and see you next year!          to show them off. And there will be a free raffle where everyone who
                                                                                 attends has an opportunity to win a new orchid. So come and join us for
                                Neighborhood Watch                               our bi-monthly meeting. We'd love to see you there.

         YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!                                                                           Pinochle
         DATE: January 11 @ 7 pm - The Wellness Room & On Zoom                   AT THE CLUB
         TOPIC:  The Emergency Medical Services First Responder Fee              Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of
         SPEAKER: Assistant Battalion Chief Michael Bradley, Roseville Fire      PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle
         Dept.                                                                   10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
         RSVP - by using the following link:                                     will help you come back up to speed.  Win or lose we are here to have a           good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan
         This special Q&A session with Asst. Battalion Chief Michael Bradley,    Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
         Roseville Fire Department (separate from our Spring Meeting) will       8984.
         answer your questions on the new fee effective July 2021 for firefighter
         paramedic services called the Emergency Medical Services First
         Responder Fee.

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