Page 7 - 2022-01 Courier
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
CRI Group Club Crafters
reinforced the resilience of our members and expressed our faith in crocheted, sewn, quilted, and no-sew fleece
America and all that she stands for. It felt like a real “Old Fashioned blankets from the community for donation.
Christmas”. We continue to give to Sacramento Shriners
If you didn’t watch Bob Dole’s funeral, you missed a wonderful poem Hospital. Every year Shriners has a wish list of
that was read. It was called, “Live Your Dash”. As we look forward to items they need; anyone in the community is
a very eventful and exciting new year in 2022, I thought it might be welcome to contribute. All of these are great
helpful to publish it here in this article. projects to give back to the community while
doing something fun with your neighbors. If
Live Your Dash you have craft items to donate, we are happy
The line etched into a headstone between the dates of birth and death to take them. For more information about our
represents each step we take on earth… and every single breath. group, projects, or to donate items, contact
To many, it is just a hyphen… marking time between the years, Denise Caputo at 916-782-1663 or email
but in that little dash is a lifetime of laughter, love, and tears.
Some deem themselves successful if they can spend in large amounts, In December we donated to Shiners Hospital,
but how you live your only dash is all that really counts. 30 blankets, and several other items such as
Because success should not be measured in what you will buy, or crocheted shawl, child dresses, child
own, but in the pride you feel in the person you’re with… when you are cardigans, child poncho, several scarfs and
all alone. hats, socks, etc. We also gave 22 blankets to SBSK. Special thanks to
Time steals our days and hours before we recognize the theft Vicki Loaiza for donating 10 crocheted blankets and Renee Rankin for
and we live each day not knowing how much of our dash is left. providing 7 quilt blankets to our seasonal giving. Thanks to all who
Responsibilities of daily life; the bills, the job, the cash assisted.
affect the way we choose to use this important little dash.
Memories in the making are happening now and happening here; Club Trekkers
if we don’t take the time to make the time, they quickly disappear.
To experience each moment, to laugh… to love… to live… The Club Trekkers will continue hiking the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the
to learn just how much to take from life… and just how much to give. month. Ideally, those hikes will be repeated on the following Saturdays.
All hikes will be weather permitting, and trail conditions will be taken
Consider your lifetime as novel– you, the sole author and creator,
writing and living every chapter for those to read and cherish, later. into consideration. Information about hikes will be emailed two days
Will they say you lived your dash with worry, stress, and chatter prior to the hikes to individuals who have signed up with the Club
Trekkers SIG.
or know you seized every chance you had to:
Make Every Moment Matter? Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
Linda Ellis We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library. If you
have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
Our first meeting of 2022 will be on January 6th. Our guest speaker will
be State Senator Jim Nielsen. Nielsen's professional experience includes Club Veterans
working as business owner and ranch foreman. Nielsen is the founder of
the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights. More to come HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ONE AND ALL!
about this meeting in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to seeing you Well, it looks like we’ve managed to make it thru
all there. another year? Keeping our fingers crossed for
We are planning a year full of relevant speakers who will give us insight another year of being safe and that all of our
to the elections. To join our group, please email Alice, community will have a joyous New Year with their For more information about our group, please friends and or families.
email Randy, As posted on our group calendar the Club Vet’s never have a group
The CRI Group wishes everyone a very happy, healthy, and prosperous meeting in December, therefore there will be no minutes to be reported at
New Year. Don’t forget to “Live Your Dash”. our January meeting. Next year we will be back in high gear raising
more much needed funds for Veteran’s in need and hope we can rely on
Club Crafters
your continued support in 2022?
Every Tuesday 10AM join us in the library. Whatever your craft, learn
new skills, complete unfinished projects, expand your abilities while Club at WestPark Democrats
enjoying the company of your friends and neighbors. The Club at WestPark Democrats held its Holiday Mash-up party on
Our ongoing project is making blankets for Sacramento Blankets for December 7th at the Retreat. Since we missed so many chances in 2020
Sacramento Kids. SBSK provides handmade blankets to children in the and the first half of 2021 to gather and socialize, our Activities
Sacramento and Placer Counties, in addition to State and National committee planned a wonderful party that included many of all our
emergencies, such as forest fires. The blankets are distributed to children favorite holidays, including Independence Day, Halloween, Valentines
in homeless shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We accept knitted, Day, St. Patrick’s Day and of course, Christmas. We enjoyed a large
January 2022 Page 7