Page 63 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 63
(1) Pillows will be centered, just touching the head of the bed frame, and have the open
end toward the wall.
(2) Hospital corners will be folded at 45-degree angles on bottom sheets at the head
and on blankets at the foot of the bed.
(3) A six-inch collar for the top sheet and blanket will begin 12 inches from the bed
frame at the head of the bed.
f. Desk Arrangement
i. The cadet using the top bunk will use the desk closest to the window.
ii. The chair will be placed under the desk during inspection and when
not in use.
iii. The top of the desk and any shelves will be clean and dusted.
iv. Books will be displayed in descending order of height on shelves with
the tallest toward the left side. Other items displayed on the shelves
will be neat and present an uncluttered appearance. All will be aligned
with the front edge of the shelf. Tacks, taps, nails, or screws will not
be used to secure items to the desk or shelves. Tacks may be used in
areas where cork board is provided.
g. Walls and Decorations. Wall hangings will not be affixed with nails or screws.
When hanging fixtures, every effort must be made to protect the wall and the
paint. Displayed items must:
i. Be in good taste.
ii. Not be disrespectful toward another person or group of people.
iii. Not be of a pornographic nature.
iv. Not promote alcohol or illegal drugs.
v. Not be obscene or offensive.
“If there is any doubt, don’t put it out!”
h. Daily Inspection Order
i. Rooms will be prepared for inspection on school days from 0800-1200.
ii. Clothing and personal items will be neatly displayed. Beds will be
made, and desks straightened and clean.
iii. Trash cans will be emptied daily, cleaned, and displayed upside down.
iv. Floors will be swept daily and rooms dusted. Sinks and mirrors (if
furnished) will be cleaned daily.
v. When the room is unoccupied, lights and electrical appliances will be
off, windows closed, and doors locked.
vi. Window shades will be left at half-mast from 0800-1430 on academic