Page 66 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 66
8.2 Categories of Offenses
a. Category I Offenses – Minor breach of rules. TAC adjudicated. These include, but are
not limited to:
i. Absent class* (2 Study Hall Hours Per Class Missed) **
ii. Absent formation (2 Penalty Hours Per Formation Missed)**
iii. Absent Penalty Hour or Study Hall formation (5 PH)
iv. Body piercing(s), excessive jewelry, and faddish hair styles and
cuts that do not comply with MMI grooming standards. (1PH)**
v. Breaking or not adhering to medical profile (5 PH)
vi. Conduct unbecoming of a cadet (5) Penalty Hours)**
vii. Dereliction of duty (improperly executing responsibilities) (2 P H)**
viii. Failure to follow instructions (FFI) – written or verbal (5 PH)**
ix. Failure to register Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) (2PH)**
x. Failure to resolve a conflict as a cadet leader (5 PH)
xi. Failure to shave prior to 0800; morning of not night prior (2 PH)
xii. Failure to prepare room for an SMI (5 PH)
xiii. Failure to sign in or out on leave/liberty (2PH)**
xiv. Improper use of all social media including the Internet and blogs (1-
20 PH)**
xv. Late returning from pass or leave (2PH)
xvi. Located in an off limits area (5 PH)
xvii. Neglect of duty (Guard duty, CDO, BDO, or event tasking; 5 PH)**
xviii. Out of barracks after Taps (On campus 2 PH)**
xix. Out of uniform in the town of Marion (2 PH)**
xx. Out of uniform (On campus 2 PH)**
xxi. Possession of unauthorized electrical device (television, microwave,
refrigerator) (2PH)
xxii. Room does not meet daily appearance standards (2 PH)
xxiii. Use of tobacco is strictly prohibited – MMI is a tobacco free campus
including use of electronic cigarettes/vaping (5 PH)
xxiv. Signing another cadet in or out of campus (2 PH)
xxv. Visitation of a non-academic focus during PMCQ (2 PH)**
xxvi. Wearing inappropriate rank insignia or awards (2 PH)**
*There is an automatic assignment of two study hall hours for EACH unexcused class absence.
Additionally, four unexcused absences in a course will generally result in the cadet being
administratively withdrawn and receiving a grade of F for the course.
** These are general punishments depending on extenuating or mitigating circumstances
punishments could be more or less punishment.