Page 68 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 68

b. Category II Offenses – TAC Adjudicated. Significant to very serious offense or breach
                        of regulations.  These include, but are not limited to:

                                    i.   Absent Without Leave (AWOL) (10 PH)***
                                   ii.   Attitude detrimental to the good order and discipline of the Corps (10
                                  iii.   Breaking restriction (10 PH)***
                                   iv.   Communicating a threat (20 PH)***
                                   v.    Conduct unbecoming a cadet  (under serious circumstances) (20
                                   vi.   Deceit or lying (Honor referral  - 20 PH )***
                                  vii.   Direct disobedience of orders (20 PH)***
                                 viii.   Disrespect to faculty, staff, cadet officer, or cadet non-commissioned
                                         officer (10 PH)***
                                   ix.   Falsifying forms (Honor referral 20 PH)***
                                   x.    Fraternization** (10 PH)***
                                   xi.   Gambling (10 PH)***
                                  xii.   Illegal possession or use of alcohol   (15 PH)***
                                 xiii.   In another cadet’s room without authorization (10 PH)***
                                 xiv.    Insubordination (10 PH)
                                  xv.    Membership  or  participation  in  an  unauthorized  organization
                                         (10  PH)***
                                 xvi.    Possession or use of false identification (Honor referral – 20 PH)***
                                 xvii.   Unauthorized visitation/physical contact (10 PH)***
                                xviii.   Unauthorized recording (audio or video) where a  reasonable
                                         expectation of privacy can be expected (10 PH)***

                         **Relationships between cadets are prohibited if they:

                                      1.  Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity or supervisory
                                          authority of the chain of command;
                                      2.  Cause actual or perceived partiality or unfairness;
                                      3.  Involve, or appear to involve, the improper use of rank or position for
                                          personal gain;
                                      4.  Are, or appear to be, exploitative or coercive in nature;
                                      5.  Create an actual or clearly predictable adverse impact on discipline,
                                          authority, morale, or the ability of the command to accomplish its
                                          mission; or
                                      6.  Are in the direct chain of command.

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