Page 27 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
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The number of properties at risk of flooding           There is a wide range of existing SuDS
      is high compared to most other local                   techniques in operation across Enfield.  Some
      boroughs. Most of the properties at risk of            of these are relatively old features such as
      fluvial flooding are in the Lee valley area,           highway drainage ditches and ponds, more
      which was historically an area of marshland.           recently rain gardens and permeable paving
      Enfield’s drainage network consists of a               have been installed as part of highway works
      separated foul and surface water system as             and other projects.
      well as a large number of open watercourses                                                                  Local SuDS requirements
      and drainage ditches. Most surface water               Local Geology

      sewers outfall directly into the nearest               The bedrock geology in Enfield is
      watercourse.                                           predominantly London Clay. However, as

      Consequently, a wide range of flood defence            shown in the figure below, there are
      systems are required to manage flooding                significant superficial deposits of sand and
      from all types of sources and ensure that              gravel both in the hilly areas that make up
      Enfield’s residents and businesses are not             the western half of the borough and the
      faced with unacceptable risks or disruption.           flatter swathe of the Lee Valley that forms
      Above ground SuDS play an important role in            the eastern half – this area is dominated by
      increasing the resilience of the drainage              alluvial deposits of silt, sand, clay and gravel.
      network, and improving water quality of                              Figure 2 - Bedrock and superficial
      receiving watercourses.
                                                                                           deposits in Enfield


      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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