Page 29 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 29

under Section 38 or Section 278 agreements.
      Information on SuDS such as layouts, levels
      (invert levels and cover levels), construction
      details, overflows, calculations demonstrating
      standard of protection, overland flow routes,
      and maintenance requirements must be
      submitted in support of the application for a
      Section 38 or 278 agreement.

      The adoption of SuDS will require a

      commuted sum. The process for adoption of
      above ground green infrastructure SuDS such
      as rain gardens will be similar to the adoption
      of large areas of landscaping.

      Where SuDS features have not been adopted
      by Enfield Council, a suitable management
      plan for future maintenance must be in place.
      This may be through a Management                                                    Firs Farm Wetlands.
      Company or the landowner. Details of the
      maintenance regime and who is responsible
      for the management of the SuDS must be
      submitted with the Sustainable Drainage
      Strategy.                                                                       Alma Road raingardens.
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