Page 28 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 28

Due to the high variability in ground                 Local LPA and Stakeholder Engagement
      Local SuDS requirements
           conditions it is recommended to carry out a
           ground investigation for all development to           Enfield Council provide pre-application
           establish the potential for infiltration. There       advice for developments, and can provide a
           may be areas with permeable geology that              pre-application report with information and
           may not be suitable for full infiltration, such       maps on topography, geology, flood risk,
           as areas with high risk of contaminated land.         greenfield runoff rates and recommendations
           These areas pose high risk of mobilisation of         for SuDS measures. In addition to the LLFA,
           pollutants that could potentially contaminate         there are a number of stakeholders that must

           groundwater if full infiltration were to be           be consulted in terms of flood risk, obtaining
           used. They are mainly located in the Lee              discharge consents and building in proximity
           Valley where there has been extensive                 to structures and watercourses. These are:
           industrial activity historically. Above ground            ■  Environment Agency are to be consulted
           SuDS measures can still be used in areas of               if the development is with 8m of a main
           contaminated ground provided that an                      river, falls within Flood Zone 2 or 3, is
           impermeable liner is used to ensure there is              within a Source Protection Zone, or on the
           no risk to groundwater.                                   discharge of surface water to a main river

           Local SuDS specific requirements                          ■  Enfield Council’s Structures and
                                                                     Watercourses team are to be consulted if
           Enfield Council’s planning policies are                   the site is within 4m of an ordinary
           contained in the Development Management                   watercourse, culvert or structure, falls
           Document which forms part of the Local
  23       Plan. The below policies refer to flood risk              within an area subject to surface water

           and surface water management:                             flood risk, or on the discharge of surface
                                                                     water to an ordinary watercourse
              ■  DMD 59 – Avoiding and reducing flood                ■
               risk (page 93)                                        Thames Water are to be consulted on
                                                                     discharges/connections to surface water
              ■  DMD 60 – Assessing flood risk (page 94)             sewers, or if the site is in proximity to a
                                                                     Thames Water asset such as the New
              ■  DMD 61 – Managing surface water (page
                                                                     ■  The Canal and River Trust must be
              ■  DMD 62 – Flood control mitigation                   consulted on discharge to the Lee
               measures (page 97)
              ■  DMD 63 – Protection and improvement of          Adoption of SuDS

               watercourses and flood defences (page
               98)                                               Enfield Council will consider Sustainable
                                                                 Drainage features for adoption. Consultation
           In summary, DMD Policy 61 requires all major
           developments to achieve greenfield run off            with the Council is advised if the developer
           rates (for 1 in 1 year and 1 in 100 year events).     wants to seek adoption of SuDS measures

           Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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