Page 31 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 31

Holyoakes School
        Concept Design for Holyoakes School, Robert Bray Associates

                                                                                                                SuDS Concept

                                                                                                               key  Concept Design

                                                                                                                             French Drain
                                                                                                                             Low wall to be used as a seat and to
                                                                                                                             retain ows
                                                                                                                             Storage underneath permeable

                                                                                                                              Green Roof

                                                                                                                             Rain Garden

                                                                                  Holyoakes School
                                                                                                                             Swales and Basins/Pond
                                                                                   SuDS Concept

                                                                                                                             Surface Channel
                                                      Holyoakes School                                                       Piped Connection
                                                       SuDS Concept                          French Drain                    Flow Control
                                                                                             Low wall to be used as a seat and to
                                                                                             retain ows           26        Outfall
                                                                                             Storage underneath permeable
                                                      key                                    surfaces                        Overhead Channels
                                                                French Drain
                                                                                             Green Roof                      Downpipe connection at surface
                                                                Low wall to be used as a seat and to
                                                                retain ows
                                                                                             Rain Garden                     Surface Flow
                                                                Storage underneath permeable
                                                                                             Swales and Basins/Pond
                                                                                   Holyoakes School                          SuDS Flow
                                                                 Green Roof
                                                                                    SuDS Concept
                                                                                             Surface Channel
                                                                Rain Garden                  Piped Connection
                                                                                            Flow Control
                                                                Swales and Basins/Pond
                                                                                           French Drain
                                                                                           Low wall to be used as a seat and to
                                                                                             Overhead Channels
                                                                Surface Channel            retain ows
                                                                                             Downpipe connection at surface
                                                                Piped Connection           Storage underneath permeable
                               Outfall to                       Flow Control                Surface Flow  N
                                                                Flow Control
                                                                                             Surface Flow
                               Red Ditch                        Outfall                     Green Roof
                                                                                             SuDS Flow
                                                                                           Rain Garden
                                                                                             SuDS Flow
                                                                Overhead Channels
                                                                Overhead Channels
                                                                                             SuDS Basin
                                                                Downpipe to
                                                                Downpipe connection at surface  Swales and Basins/Pond
                                                                                             Surface Channel
                                                                Channel                    Surface Channel
                                                                Surface Flow                 Piped Connection
                                                                                           Piped Connection
                                                                                           Flow Control
                                                                SuDS Flow
                                                                              N            Outfall
                                                                                           Overhead Channels
      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
                                                                                           Downpipe connection at surface
                                                                                           Surface Flow
                                                                                           SuDS Flow
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