P. 28

be found at depth of less than 3 meter - at           Links to relevant Newham Policy, flood risk                 Application of Greenfield Runoff Rates                 site specific evidences and mitigation
      Local SuDS requirements
           least seasonally. Ground water Source                 studies and further LLFA’s guidance (detailed                                                                      requirements provided to be evaluated by
           Protection Zones are found in the northern            requirements) can be found on the Newham                    To enable consistency of assessment                    Newham Local Planning Authority.
           part of the borough.                                  Flooding webpage as below:                                  between planning applications by London
                                                                                                                             Borough of Newham LLFA representatives,      
                                                                 LB Newham Flooding Webpage                                  use of default soil types for the actual site,         corporate/Environment/biodiversity-and-
                                                                                                                             determined by HR Wallingford’s UKSuDS                  safeguarding
                                                        (Policy SC3)
                                                                                                                             online tool is the preferred approach. London          Pre-Planning Advice: Newham provides
                                                                 Flood Risk and Sustainable Drainage:                        Borough of Newham LLFA will not object to              pre-application advice for developments as            Local SuDS requirements
                                                                 Requirements and Guidance for Planning                      Greenfield runoff calculations based on FEH            part of a PPPA agreement. Newham LLFA

                                                                 Application                                                 methodology providing that the results are             can provide specific pre-planning advice as
                                                                                                                             largely consistent with IH124 methodology
                                                                 Newham LLFA drainage pro-forma                                                                                     part of a PPPA or by direct agreement with
                                                                                                                             output from UKSuDS online tool and that the            applicant. Please note that in either case a
                                                                 Newham PAR                                                  HOST soil class used in the calculation can be
           Fig.5 Newham’s main made ground (grey/grey                                                                        demonstrated to be representative of the               fee specific to LLFA is entailed. LLFA can
           hatched) and source protection zones (shades          Highlights of main requirements:                                                                                   provide applicants with information and
           of pink)                                                                                                          pre-development condition of the site.                 maps on topography, geology, flood risk,
                                                                 •  All major development is required to                     London Borough of Newham LLFA does not
           The interplay of the above factors may limit                                                                                                                             greenfield runoff recommendations for SuDS
           potential for infiltration drainage, however,             restrict post development runoff to                     accept the following approaches:                       measures.
           given the high variability in ground conditions           greenfield run-off rates unless it can be               •  urban soil types for Greenfield runoff              Adoption of SuDS
           found across the borough, it is recommended               demonstrated that site conditions prohibit                  estimation
           to carry out thorough ground investigation                the ability to do so.                                                                                          Newham will not adopt SuDS unless these
           for all development to establish the potential        •  All development must restrict runoff                     •  applying urban catchment parameters to              are projects implemented by Newham on
  23       for infiltration.                                         discharge within or to Critical Drainage                    runoff estimation                                  council own land.  Applicants should                  24
                                                                     Areas (CDA) to greenfield rates or below.               Local LPA and Stakeholder Engagement                   therefore put in place arrangements for
           It should be noted that none of the above                 N.B. there are 15 CDAs in Newham.
           prevents use of SuDS within a development if                                                                      In addition to LLFA the Environment Agency             maintenance and end of life replacement of
           integrated in the design at early stage. Above        •  Discharge to tidal water (i.e.  River                    and Thames Water must be consulted with                SuDS. Details must be provided to the LLFA
           ground, non-infiltration SuDS measures can                Thames, Lea and Roding) will need to                    concern of flood risk, discharge consents,             to add to their asset register. There are other
           be used in areas of contaminated ground                   take account of the effect of “tide                     building in proximity to flood defences                Risk Management Authorities such as
           provided that barriers to potential                       locking”, storm surge or submergence of                 structures and watercourses.                           Thames Water or TFL who may be willing to
           mobilisation of contaminates such as                      the outfall, in order to prevent flooding.                                                                     consider adoption of SuDS. Early
           impermeable liners or clay capping are used               An appropriate allowance in terms of                    London City Airport (LCY): Under concern of            engagement is required to ensure their
           to prevent risk to groundwater.                           onsite storage should be built into the                 risk management (i.e. bird strike) LCY may             requirements can be achieved.
                                                                     drainage strategy.                                      object to development proposal deemed
           Local SuDS specific requirements                                                                                  potentially to increase of bird presence in the
                                                                 •  Discharge to tidal water may not be
           Newham LLFA has developed a number of                     restricted to greenfield provided scour/                airport safeguard area. Whilst this concern
                                                                                                                             should be heeded and early consultation with
           documents in connection with local flood risk             erosion would not result, however a level
           assessment and management. Main                           of attenuation will be expected - normally              City Airport is advised, LCY’s general concern
                                                                                                                             should never be used to scope out
           requirements applicable to major                          a 1 in 30 attenuation - to create SuDS
           development are fully embodied in Newham’s                features that provide additional benefits.              requirement of green infrastructures,  such
                                                                                                                             SuDS, nor LCY’s objection accepted without
           local policy (Newham Local Plan 2018).

           London Borough of Newham SuDS D & E Guide                                                     © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates  London Borough of Newham SuDS D & E Guide                                                     © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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