Page 11 - Rockefeller Lockstep Document
P. 11
THE FOCAL QUESTION enough that significant technological change
is plausible and sufficiently short enough that
Every scenario project has a focal question — we can imagine some possibilities for the kinds
a broad yet strategic query that serves as an of technologies that could be developed and
anchor for the scenarios. For this project, the applied. Focusing on how to overcome a set
focal question was: of obstacles associated with the application of
technology to the challenges of development
How might technology affect barriers to
helped to both bound the inquiry and promote a
building resilience and equitable growth
problem-solving approach that seeks to identify
in the developing world over the next potential, systematic intervention opportunities.
15 to 20 years?
In other words, what new or existing
technologies could be leveraged to improve It is our hope that these scenarios help inspire
the capacity of individuals, communities, the same future-orientation in other initiatives
and systems to respond to major changes, or that are broadly concerned with technology and
what technologies could improve the lives of international development. Of course, there is no
vulnerable populations around the world? A hard data about the future — nobody yet knows
15- to 20-year timeframe was chosen on the precisely what technologies will be successful at
assumption that it is both sufficiently long addressing new and evolving development needs.
Rather, as you read the scenarios, think of them
as a journey — four journeys — into a future that
is relevant, thought-provoking, and possible.
A Note on Terminology Imagine how the world will function and how Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
The Foundation’s work promotes “resilience it will be organized to tackle the challenges it
and equitable growth.” Resilience refers to faces. Who will be responsible for driving local
the capacity of individuals, communities, and global development initiatives and what
and systems to survive, adapt, and grow would that require? And what is your own role
in the face of changes, even catastrophic in leading your organization, community, or
incidents. Equitable growth involves enabling region to a preferred future? 11
individuals, communities, and institutions
to access new tools, practices, resources,
services, and products.