Page 13 - Rockefeller Lockstep Document
P. 13

The Scenario


                  The Rockefeller Foundation and GBN began the scenario

                  process by surfacing a host of driving forces that
                  would affect the future of technology and international

                  development. These forces were generated through both
                  secondary research and in-depth interviews with Foundation

                  staff, Foundation grantees, and external experts.

                  Next, all these constituents came together      from renewable resources and may succeed, but
                  in several exploratory workshops to further     there will likely still be a significant level of
                  brainstorm the content of these forces,         global interdependence on energy.
                  which could be divided into two categories:
                                                                  Predetermined elements are important to
                  predetermined elements and critical
                                                                  any scenario story, but they are not the
                  uncertainties. A good starting point for any
                                                                  foundation on which these stories are built.
                  set of scenarios is to understand those driving
                                                                  Rather, scenarios are formed around “critical
                  forces that we can be reasonably certain will
                                                                  uncertainties” — driving forces that are
                  shape the worlds we are describing, also known
                                                                  considered both highly important to the focal
                  as “predetermined elements.” For example, it is
                                                                  issue and highly uncertain in terms of their
                  a near geopolitical certainty that — with the rise                                                   Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
                                                                  future resolution. Whereas predetermined
                  of China, India, and other nations — a multi-polar
                                                                  elements are predictable driving forces,
                  global system is emerging. One demographic
                                                                  uncertainties are by their nature unpredictable:
                  certainty is that global population growth
                                                                  their outcome can be guessed at but not known.
                  will continue and will put pressure on energy,
                  food, and water resources — especially in the
                  developing world. Another related certainty: that
                  the world will strive to source more of its energy
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