Page 9 - Rockefeller Lockstep Document
P. 9

explore the role of technology in international   then to begin to examine what those possible
                  development through scenario planning, a        alternative paths may imply for the world’s
                  methodology in which GBN is a long-time leader.   poor and vulnerable populations. Such an
                                                                  exercise required project participants to push
                  This report builds on the Rockefeller
                                                                  their thinking far beyond the status quo, into
                  Foundation’s growing body of work in the
                                                                  uncharted territory.
                  emerging field of pro-poor foresight. In 2009,
                  the Institute for Alternative Futures published   Scenario planning is a methodology designed
                  the report Foresight for Smart Globalization:   to help guide groups and individuals through
                  Accelerating and Enhancing Pro-Poor             exactly this creative process. The process
                  Development Opportunities, with support from    begins by identifying forces of change in the
                  the Rockefeller Foundation. That effort was a   world, then combining those forces in different
                  reflection of the Foundation’s strong commitment   ways to create a set of diverse stories — or
                  to exploring innovative processes and embracing   scenarios — about how the future could evolve.
                  new pathways for insight aimed at helping the   Scenarios are designed to stretch our thinking
                  world’s poor. With this report, the Foundation   about both the opportunities and obstacles that
                  takes a further step in advancing the field of   the future might hold; they explore, through
                  pro-poor foresight, this time through the lens of   narrative, events and dynamics that might
                  scenario planning.                              alter, inhibit, or enhance current trends, often
                                                                  in surprising ways. Together, a set of scenarios
                  WHY SCENARIOS?                                  captures a range of future possibilities,
                                                                  good and bad, expected and surprising — but
                  The goal of this project was not to affirm what   always plausible. Importantly, scenarios are
                  is already known and knowable about what        not predictions. Rather, they are thoughtful
                  is happening right now at the intersections of   hypotheses that allow us to imagine, and then to    Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
                  technology and development. Rather, it was to   rehearse, different strategies for how to be more
                  explore the many ways in which technology       prepared for the future — or more ambitiously,
                  and development could co-evolve — could both    how to help shape better
                  push and inhibit each other — in the future, and   futures ourselves.

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