Page 14 - Rockefeller Lockstep Document
P. 14

While any single uncertainty could challenge    for example, the pervasiveness of conflict
               our thinking, the future will be shaped by      in the developing world; the frequency and
               multiple forces playing out over time. The      severity of shocks like economic and political
               scenario framework provides a structured way to   crises, disease, and natural disasters; and the
               consider how these critical uncertainties might   locus of innovation for crucial technologies
               unfold and evolve in combination. Identifying   for development. (A full list of the critical
               the two most important uncertainties guarantees   uncertainties identified during the project, as
               that the resulting scenarios will differ in ways   well as a list of project participants, can be
               that have been judged to be critical to the     found in the Appendix.)
               focal question.
                                                               The two chosen uncertainties, introduced
                                                               below, together define a set of four scenarios
               CHOOSING THE CRITICAL                           for the future of technology and international
                                                               development that are divergent, challenging,
               During this project’s scenario creation workshop,   internally consistent, and plausible. Each of the
               participants — who represented a range of       two uncertainties is expressed as an axis that
               regional and international perspectives — selected   represents a continuum of possibilities ranging
               the two critical uncertainties that would form   between two endpoints.                 WEAK
      Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development  shape the broader contextual environment of   LOW  ADAPTIVE CAPACITY  HIGH
               the basis of the scenario framework. They
               chose these two uncertainties from a longer
                                                                          POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ALIGNMENT
               list of potential uncertainties that might
               the scenarios, including social, technology,
               economic, environmental, and political trends.
               The uncertainties that were considered included,

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