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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            Criminal Cases                                      a  downward  departure  in  certain  circumstances.
                 Under  DOJ’s  Principles of Federal Prosecution   Chapter  8  of  the  Sentencing  Guidelines,  which
            of  Business  Organizations  and  the  CEP,  federal   governs the sentencing of organizations, takes into

            prosecutors  consider  whether  the  company        account  an  organization’s  remediation  as  part  of
            made  a  voluntary  and  timely  disclosure  as  well   an “effective compliance and ethics program.” One
            as  the  company’s  willingness  to  provide  relevant   of the seven elements of such a program provides
            information  and  evidence and  identify relevant   that  after  the  detection  of  criminal  conduct,  “the
            actors inside and outside the company, including    organization shall take reasonable steps to respond
            senior executives.                                  appropriately to the criminal conduct and to prevent

                 In  addition,  prosecutors  may  consider  a   further similar criminal conduct, including making
            company’s  remedial  actions,  including  efforts   any necessary modifications to the organization’s
            to  improve  an  existing  compliance  program      compliance  and  ethics  program.” 312   Having an
            or  appropriate  disciplining  of  wrongdoers. 309     effective compliance and ethics program may lead

            A  company’s  remedial  measures  should  be        to  a  three-point  reduction  in  an  organization’s
            meaningful and illustrate its recognition of the    culpability score under § 8C2.5, which affects the
            seriousness  of  the  misconduct,  for  example,    fine  calculation  under  the  Guidelines.  Similarly,
            by  taking  steps  to  implement  the  personnel,   an  organization’s  self-reporting,  cooperation,
            operational, and organizational changes necessary   and acceptance of responsibility may lead to fine
            to establish an awareness among employees that      reductions  under  §  8C2.5(g)  by  decreasing  the

            criminal conduct will not be tolerated. 310         culpability  score.  Conversely,  an  organization  will
                 The  Principles of Federal Prosecution  similarly   not qualify for the compliance program reduction
            provide  that  prosecutors  may  consider  an       when  it  unreasonably  delayed  reporting  the
            individual’s  willingness  to  cooperate  in  deciding   offense. 313     Similar  to  §  5K1.1  for  individuals,
            whether a prosecution should be undertaken and      organizations can qualify for departures pursuant

            how it should be resolved. Although a willingness   to § 8C4.1 of the Guidelines for cooperating in the
            to cooperate will not, by itself, generally relieve a   prosecution of others.
            person of criminal liability, it may be given “serious
                                                                Civil Cases
            consideration” in evaluating whether to enter into
            a plea agreement with a defendant, depending on     SEC’s Framework for Evaluating Cooperation by
            the nature and value of the cooperation offered. 311   Companies

                 The U.S. Sentencing  Guidelines  similarly          SEC’s  framework  for  evaluating  cooperation
            take  into  account  an  individual  defendant’s    by  companies  is  set  forth  in  its  2001  Report  of
            cooperation  and  voluntary  disclosure.  Under     Investigation  Pursuant  to  Section  21(a)  of  the
            §  5K1.1,  a  defendant’s  cooperation,  if  sufficiently   Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  and  Commission
            substantial,  may  justify  the  government  filing  a   Statement  on  the  Relationship  of  Cooperation  to

            motion for a reduced sentence. And under § 5K2.16,   Agency Enforcement Decisions, which is commonly
            a  defendant’s  voluntary  disclosure  of  an  offense   known  as  the  Seaboard  Report. 314     The  report,
            prior to its discovery—if the offense was unlikely   which explained the Commission’s decision not to
            to have been discovered otherwise—may warrant       take enforcement action against a public company

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