Page 35 - Ledger Nano X User Manual
P. 35

●   Check if the plugdev group exists by entering the command:

                       cat /etc/​group​ | grep plugdev

                   ●   Follow the steps below if the previous command did not return a result
                          1. Create the plugdev group:

                              sudo​ groupadd plugdev

                          2. Check if you are in the group plugdev with the command:


                          3. If the output does not contain plugdev, you are not in the plugdev group.
                              Enter the command:

                              sudo gpasswd -a <user> plugdev

                          4. Note: replace <user> by your username, e.g for user "mike", it would be:
                              sudo gpasswd -a mike plugdev.

                              sudo gpasswd -a <user> plugdev

                          5. Logout and login for the change to take effect. To verify you are now in
                              the plugdev group, enter:


                          6. and search for a plugdev occurrence. If it's not there, you've missed a step
                              and should restart from step 1.

               2. Add the udev rules

                   1. Enter the following command to automatically add the rules and reload udev:
                       wget​ -q -O -
                       ter/ | sudo bash

                   2. Retry connecting your Ledger Nano X with Ledger Live.

                       If it's still not working, continue to step 3: troubleshooting.

               3. Troubleshooting

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