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Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

                                        2(3): 1-18, 2019; Article no.AJBGE.53356

                      Natural Pesticides (Biopesticides) and Uses in Pest
                                                       Management- A Critical Review

                                Oguh C. E. , Okpaka C. O. , Ubani C. S. , Okekeaji U. , Joseph P. S.
                                                                                       and Amadi E. U.

                                     Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
                         Department of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Port Harcourt, Choba,
                                                                                        River State, Nigeria.
                          Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
                                                                                       Enugu State, Nigeria.
                       Department of Biochemistry, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria.

                                                                                    Authors’ contributions

                           This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author OCE designed the study,
                          performed the statistical analysis and wrote the protocol. Author OCO wrote the first draft of the
                           manuscript. Authors UCS and OU managed the analyses of the study. Authors JPS and AEU
                                  managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

                                                                                        Article Information

                         (1) Dr. Fatima Lizeth Gandarilla-Pacheco, Faculty of Biological Sciences (FCB), Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon,
                                     (1) Isabel Bertolaccini, National University of the Littoral (Universidad Nacional del Litoral), Argentina.
                                   (2) Bonaventure January, Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology, Tanzania.
                                                    Complete Peer review History:

                                                                                 Received 15 October 2019
                                                                               Accepted 19 December 2019
                      Review Article
                                                                               Published 25 December 2019


                    This paper focuses on new types of biopesticides, examine the specificity to harmful pests, and the
                    selectivity to beneficial animals. Many of the modern pesticides used today, persist in soil for years
                    and compound the store of toxins in the soil, air and water. The toxic build-up of these chemicals has
                    been shown to cause damage in animals, plants, human health and are not easily degradable in the
                    environment. Study has shown that some plants contain components that are toxic to insects and
                    pest called biopesticides or natural pesticides. Natural pesticides are pesticides made by organisms
                    usually for their own defense, or are derived from a natural source such as plant, animal, bacteria,
                    and  certain  mineral, use to control  pest naturally with less effect  or no effect. Examples of  these
                    natural  pesticides  are  Rotenone  (Derris  sp.),  carboxin,  fluroacetate,  nicotine,  neem  (Azadiracta

                    *Corresponding author: E-mail:;
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