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Oguh et al.; AJBGE, 2(3): 1-18, 2019; Article no.AJBGE.53356

                    for organic gardens must meet certain criteria set   environmental  factors that  promote  to  the  pests
                    forth  by  the  United  States  Department  of   and  their  ability  to  thrive  are  ideal  options  [9].
                    Agriculture (USDA) and bear a logo stating they   While the term pesticide is now often associated
                    are  certified  for  use.  The  benefits  of  using   with  synthetic  chemical  compounds,  it  was  not
                    organic  or natural pesticides for plants are their   until  relatively  recently  that  synthetic  pesticides
                    specific  target  range,  a  slow  mode  of  action,   came into use. Naturally occurring compounds or
                    shorter persistence, low residue levels and safe   natural  extracts  have  been  used  as  pesticides
                    use than conventional or synthetic pesticides [5].   since ancient times. The earliest pesticides were
                    These  attributes  are  a  win-win  for  consumers   most  likely  salt,  sulfurous  rock,  and  extracts  of
                    and  the  earth  alike,  but  strict  attention  to  time   tobacco,  red  pepper,  and  the  like.  The
                    and  mode  of  application  and  the  precautions   napoleonic army used crushed chrysanthemums
                    have  to  be  strictly  followed.  That  doesn’t  mean   to control lice, with limited effectiveness [10].
                    they  are  free  from  chemicals,  just  that  the
                    chemicals are derived from botanical and mineral   Natural  insecticides  can  be  chemical,  mineral,
                    sources. They must still be used carefully, but the   extract  or  biological.  The  common  goal  of  all
                    chemicals  break  down  more  quickly  than   these is to kill, repel, or otherwise interfere with
                    commercial  sources  and  are  deemed  less   the damaging behavior of insect pests. Because
                    threatening [6].                            this purpose corresponds with the legal definition
                                                                of  a  pesticide,  all-natural  insecticide  products
                    The  recognized  categories  of  bio-rational   must  comply  with  federal  and  state  regulations
                    pesticides   may   be   synthetic   or   natural   for  registration,  sales,  transport,  use,  storage,
                    compounds  of  microbial,  plant  protectant  and   and  disposal.  Some  natural  insecticides  are
                    biochemical  (pheromones,  hormones,  natural   allowed  for  use  in  certified  organic  systems  if
                    growth  regulators  and  enzymes)  origins.  Most   additional organic federal standards are met [11].
                    biopesticides are nerve poisons acting at specific   However, it is advisable to read the label of each
                    target sites in the insect's nervous system. Some   product for specific application instructions. Many
                    pesticides act  similarly to the old  nerve poisons   of  the  products  described  may  also  be  used  in
                    that result in knock-down, rapid intoxication, lack   commercial crop production, but do not represent
                    of  coordination,  paralysis  and  death,  and  have   the  entire  list  available  to  commercial  growers.
                    higher  affinity  to  insect  receptors  than  to   As with any pesticide, it is important to choose a
                    mammalian.  The  other  pesticides  affect  specific   natural insecticide that fits the situation in which
                    systems,  such  as  the  molting  processes,   you  will  use  it.  These  products  vary  in  their
                    metamorphosis  and  the  pest  endocrinology   toxicity to non-target organisms such as fish and
                    system.   Biopesticides   are   third-generation   bees, as well as their effectiveness at controlling
                    pesticides  that  are  environmentally  friendly  and   specific insect pests. If used improperly, organic
                    closely  resemble  or  are  identical  to  chemicals   insecticides   can   harm   people   and   the
                    produced   in   nature.   The   examples   of   environment,  so  do  not  make  the  mistake  of
                    biopesticides are the microbial pesticide Bacillus   thinking  that  products  labelled  as  “natural”  are
                    thuringiensis (Kurstaki), Most of the biopesticides   non-toxic.  There  is  a  great  effort  to  reduce  the
                    show  effectiveness  against  different  strains  of   risk of human exposure to pesticides and special
                    resistant  species,  with  no  evidence  of  cross-  demand  for  safe  and  more  selective  pesticides
                    resistance;  hence  these  can  play  an  important   for natural enemies and non-target organisms.
                    role in integrated resistance management (IRM)
                    strategies [7].                             1.1 Definition of Terms

                    Most of the newer biopesticides are preferable to   1.1.1 Pest
                    the  conventional  pesticides  because  of  their
                    specificity  to  target  pests,  effectiveness  at  low   Pest is any harmful, destructive, or troublesome
                    rates,  selectivity  to  beneficial  insects  and  their   animal, plant or microorganism.
                    non-persistent characteristics in the environment.
                    However,  they  are  an  alternative  to  the  use  of   1.1.2 Pesticides
                    conventional    pesticides    such     as
                    organophosphates,           organochlorine,   Pesticides are chemical substance use to kill or
                    organosulphur,  carbamates  and  pyrethroids  [8].   retard  the  growth  of  pests  that  damage  or
                    However,  insect  control  using  integrated  pest   interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, trees,
                    management  (IPM)  means  by  use  of  several   timber and other vegetation desired by humans.
                    techniques   to   reduce   the   favorable   Practically all chemical pesticides,  however, are

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