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Oguh et al.; AJBGE, 2(3): 1-18, 2019; Article no.AJBGE.53356

                    an obligate fish parasite that is a big threat to the   and is often used as a fish poison (piscicide) in
                    salmon population [12].                     water management programs.

                    Rotenone are derived from the roots of over 68   Compound that disrupts energy metabolism has
                    plant species and is very toxic to fish, pigs, and   been  identified  from  both  natural  and  synthetic
                    cool  blooded  animals.  It  is  used  to  control  leaf-  sources.  Complex  I  is  inhibited  by  rotenone
                    eating  caterpillars  and  beetles.  Direct  contact   which  is  derived  from  cube  or  derris  root.
                    may  cause  skin  and  mucous  membranes    Disruption  of  energy  metabolism  occurs  in  the
                    irritation.   Rotenone   is   one   of   several   mitochondria and usually takes the form of either
                    isoflavonoids produced in the roots. Extraction of   an  inhibition  of  the  ETS,  blockage  of  ATP
                    the  root  with  organic  solvents  yields  resins   synthesis.  The  ETS  (complexes  i-iv  are
                    containing  as  much  as  45%  total  rotenoids;   macromolecular complexes that use high energy
                    studies  indicate  that  the  major  constituents  are   electrons  to  pump  out  hydrogen  into  the
                    rotenone  (44%),  and  deguelin  (22%)  [22].   intermembrane space and to store this energy as
                    Rotenone is commonly sold as dust containing 1   a  proton  gradient,  which  is  harnessed  to
                    to  6%  active  ingredients  for  home  and  garden   synthesize  ATP.  Inhibition  of  ETS  blocks
                    use,  but  liquid  formulations  used  in  organic   indirectly  the  production  of  ATP  and  cause  a
                    agriculture can contain as much as 9% rotenone   decrease  in  oxygen  consumption  by  the
                    and 16% total rotenoids.                    mitochondria.  Rotenone  inhibit  complex  I  in  the
                                                                ETS and blockage at this site can reduce energy
                    Rotenone is a mitochondrial poison, which blocks   production and induce whole animal toxicity. The
                    the electron transport chain and prevents energy   disruption   energy   metabolism   and   the
                    production.  As  a  pesticide,  it  is  considered  a   subsequent  loss  of  ATP  results  in  a  slowly
                    stomach poison because it must be ingested to   developing  toxicity,  and  the  effects  of  all  these
                    be  effective.  Pure  rotenone  is  comparable  to   compounds  include  inactivity,  paralysis,  and
                    Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane   (DDT)   and   death [25] shown in Fig. 1.
                    other  synthetic  pesticides  in  terms  of  its  acute
                    toxicity  to  mammals  (rat  oral  LD50  is  132  mg   3.2 Nicotine
                    kg−1), although it is much less toxic at the levels     Nicotine is an alkaloid obtained from the foliage
                    seen in formulated products. Safety of rotenone   of  tobacco  plants  (Nicotiana  tabacum)  and
                    has  recently  been  called  into  question  because   related  species,  has  a  long  history  as  an
                    of:  Controversial  reports  that  acute  exposure  in
                                                                insecticide.  Nicotine  (Fig.  2)  and  two  closely
                    rats produces brain lesions consistent with those
                    observed   in   humans   and   animals   with   related alkaloids, nornicotine and anabasine, are
                                                                synaptic poisons that mimic the neurotransmitter
                    Parkinson’s disease [23]. And the persistence of   acetylcholine. As such, they cause symptoms of
                    rotenone on food crops after treatment. A study   poisoning   similar   to   those   seen   with
                    of rotenone residues on olives conducted in Italy   organophosphate  and  carbamate  insecticides
                    determined  that  the  half-life  of  rotenone  is  4
                    days,  and  at harvest residue levels were above   [13].  Owing  to  the  extreme  toxicity  of  pure
                    the tolerance limit [24]. Moreover, residues were   nicotine  to  mammals  (rat  oral  LD50  is  50  mg
                                                                kg−1) and its rapid dermal absorption in humans,
                    concentrated  in  oil  obtained  from  the  olives.  As   nicotine  has  seen  declining  use,  primarily  as  a
                    an  Agricultural  pesticide,  use  of  rotenone  is   fumigant  in  greenhouses  against  soft-bodied
                    limited to organic food production.         pests.  However,  there  remains  some  interest  in
                                                                preparing  stable  nicotine  fatty  acid  soaps,
                    3.1.1 Rotenone mode of action               presumably  with  reduced  bioavailability  and
                                                                toxicity to humans [26]. Nicotine is a Pale yellow
                    Rotenone  is  an  important  insecticide  extracted   to  dark  brown  liquid  which  is  highly  toxic  to
                    from  various  leguminous  plants.  It  inhibits  the   warm-blooded  animals.  Nicotine  is  a  fast-acting
                    transfer of electrons from nicotine amide-adenine   contact killer for soft bodies but does not kill most
                    (NADH)  to  ubiquinone.  Rotenone  is  a  powerful
                    inhibitor  of  cellular  respiration,  the  process  that   chewing insects. Nicotine is highly lipophilic and
                    converts  nutrient  compounds  into  energy  at  the   can  pass through dermal tissues as well  as the
                                                                blood brain barrier.
                    cellular level (Fig. 1). In insects rotenone exerts
                    its  toxic  effects  primarily  on  nerve  and  muscle   3.2.1 Nicotine mode of action
                    cells,  causing  rapid  cessation of  feeding.  Death
                    occurs  several  hours  to  a  few  days  after   In  both  insects  and  mammals,  nicotine  is  an
                    exposure.  Rotenone  is  extremely  toxic  to  fish,   extremely  fast-acting  nerve  toxin.  It  competes

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