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Oguh et al.; AJBGE, 2(3): 1-18, 2019; Article no.AJBGE.53356

                    but  is  also  useful  in  the  management  of   Nonetheless,   several   azadirachtin   based
                    phytopathogens. Apart from the physical  effects   pesticides  are  sold  in  the  United  States  and  at
                    of neem oil on pests and fungi, disulfides in the   least two such products in the European Union.
                    oil  likely  contribute  to  the  bioactivity  of  this   In  California,  azadirachtin-based  insecticides
                    material [4,40]. More highly valued than neem oil   constituted about one third of the botanicals used
                    are medium- polarity extracts of the seed residue   in  agriculture  in  2003  (ca.  600  kg).  In  practice,
                    after removal of the oil, as these extracts contain   reliable  efficacy  is  linked  to  the  physiological
                    the complex triterpene azadirachtin. Neem seeds   action  of  azadirachtin  as  an  insect  growth
                    actually contain more than a dozen azadirachtin   regulator;  the  antifeedant  effect,  which  is
                    analogues,  but  the  major  form  is  azadirachtin   spectacular in the desert locust, is highly variable
                    and  the  remaining  minor  analogues  likely   among  pest  species,  and  even  those  species
                    contribute  little  to  overall  efficacy  of  the  extract.   initially  deterred  are  often  capable  of  rapid
                    Seed extracts include considerable quantities of   desensitization  to  azadirachtin  (Bomford  and
                    other triterpenoids, notably salannin, nimbin, and   Isman 1996). What is clear is that azadirachtin is
                    derivatives  thereof.  The  role  of  these  other   considered nontoxic to mammals (rat oral acute
                    natural  substances  has  been  controversial,  but   LD50  is  > 5,000  mg  kg−1),  fish  [45],  and
                    most evidence points to azadirachtin as the most   pollinators [46]. The influence of azadirachtin on
                    important  active  principle.  Neem  seeds  typically   natural  enemies  is  highly  variable.  Like  the
                    contain  0.2–0.6%  azadirachtin  by  weight,  so   pyrethrins,  azadirachtin  is  rapidly  degraded  by
                    solvent  partitions  or  other  chemical  processes   sunlight. For example, on olives growing in Italy,
                    are required to concentrate this active ingredient   azadirachtin has a half-life of approximately 20 h
                    to  level  10–50%  seen  in  the  technical            .  Azadirachtin  has  systemic  effect  in  certain
                    grade  material  used  to  produce  their  products   crop  plants,  greatly  enhancing  its  efficacy  and
                    [41].                                       field  persistence  [34].  On  the  other  hand,  [48]
                                                                mentioned  further  that  NeemAzal-T/S  had
                    Azadirachtin has two profound effects on insects.   reduced  the  parasitism  rates,  to  40,  55.4,  77.8
                    At the physiological level, azadirachtin blocks the   and  81.3%  (at  2,  1,  0.5,  0.25%  cons.),
                    synthesis  and  release  of  molting  hormones   respectively,  compared  to  93.3%  on  control
                    (ecdysteroids)  from  the  prothoracic  gland,   plants.
                    leading  to  incomplete  ecdysis  in  immature
                    insects  [11].  In  adult  female  insects,  a  similar   The seed has the highest content of azadirachtin
                    mechanism of action leads to sterility. In addition,   of  all  plant  parts,  and most  products  are  based
                    azadirachtin  is  a  potent  antifeedant  to  many   on  oil  extractions  from  the  seed  kernel.
                    insects.  The  discovery  of  neem  by  western   Comparatively lower bioactivity occurs in leaves
                    science  is  attributed  to  Schmutterer  [42],  who   owing  to  lower  concentrations  of  the  bioactive
                    observed that swarming desert locusts in Sudan   compounds. However, many African farmers use
                    defoliated  almost all  local  flora  except  for  some   the  leaves  in  the  preparation  of  crude  pest
                    introduced neem trees.                      control  products,  despite  low  efficacy  as  the
                                                                leaves  are  easier  to  use:  also,  in  some  cooler
                    Indeed, azadirachtin was first isolated based on   climates  neem  trees  do  not  flower  so  do  not
                    its  exceptional  antifeedant  activity  in  the  desert   produce  seed.  Clearly  practices  need modifying
                    locust,  and  this  substance  remains  the  most   and  end-users  need  information  to  ensure  time
                    potent  locust  antifeedant  discovered  to  date.   and  resources  are  not  wasted  using  ineffective
                    Unlike  pyrethrins,  azadirachtin  has  defied  total   materials.  Neem  seed  oil  has  been  formulated
                    synthesis  to  this  point.  In  USA,  Neem  rapidly   into  hundreds  of  different  products  such  as
                    became   the   modern   paradigm   for   the   soaps,  medicines  and  pesticides.  A  number  of
                    development of botanical pesticides. Enthusiasm   Neem  pesticidal  products  are  being  produced
                    for  neem  was  fostered  by  several  international   and traded internationally, especially from China
                    conferences in the 1980s and 1990s, and several   and  India,  whereas  in  Africa  neem  has  enjoyed
                    volumes  dedicated  to  neem  and  neem     far less success [49].
                    insecticides  have  been  published  [43,34].
                    Unfortunately,  neem’s  commercial  success  has   Neem  insecticides  are  effective  against  many
                    fallen well short of the initial hype fueled by the   caterpillars,  flies,  whitefly,  and  scales,  and  are
                    explosive  scientific  literature  surrounding  it.  In   somewhat  effective  against  aphids.  Neem  may
                    part this is due to the relatively high cost of the   not  show  signs  of  efficacy  for  3–8  days,  and  it
                    refined product [44] and the relatively slow action   can   degrade   within   3–5   days.   Multiple
                    on pest insects.                            applications are generally needed to obtain good

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