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Oguh et al.; AJBGE, 2(3): 1-18, 2019; Article no.AJBGE.53356

                    between   biopesticides   and   conventional   6.  There   are   no   legal   registrations
                    pesticides are target species specificity, generally   establishing their use.
                    non-toxic mode of action and natural occurrence   7.  Not  all  recommendations  followed  by
                    of the bio-rational agents. These factors provide   growers have been scientifically verified.
                    the  basis  for  the  expectation  that  many  classes   8.  Short  residual  activity  (some  users
                    of  bio-rational  pest  control  agents  pose  a  lower   consider this to be an advantage), maybe
                    potential  hazard  than  conventional  pesticides   more  expensive  than  older  conventional
                    and  support  the  approach  to  testing  needed  for   pesticides,  and  somewhat  less  pest-
                    the  registration  of  manufacturing  product.  Thus,   specific,  especially  when  compared  to
                    the  Environmental  Protection  Act  in  various   newer synthetic pesticides.
                    states  has  framed  a  number  of  rules  and
                    regulations to  check the application of chemical   4.5 Pest Management
                    control agents in nature [52].
                                                                Pest management is a way to keep pests below
                    4.3 Advantages of Natural Pesticides        the  levels  where  they  can  cause  economic
                                                                damage.   Management    does   not   mean
                     1.  Plants  producing  the  above-mentioned   eradicating  pests.  It  means  finding  tactics  that
                         compounds  are  known  by  the  farmer   are  effective  and  economical,  and  that  keep
                         because most of the time they grow in the   environmental damage to a minimum. The IPM is
                         same general area.                     the  managing  of  crops  using  many  tactics  to
                     2.  Eco-friendly  safer  for  user/applicator,  and   keep  pest  levels  below  an  economic  threshold.
                         very effective when used correctly.    The  IPM  has  been  developing  as  a  way  to
                     3.  Often  these  plants  also  have  other  uses   control pests without relying solely on pesticide.
                         like  household  insect  repellents  or  are   Integrated pest management is a systematic plan
                         plants with medicinal applications.    which  brings  together  different  pest-control
                     4.  The rapid degradation of the active product   tactics into one program. It reduces the emphasis
                         may be convenient as it reduces the risk of   on  pesticides  by  including  cultural,  biological,
                         residues on food.                      genetic,  physical,  regulatory,  and  mechanical
                     5.  Some  of  these  products  may  be  used   controls. To carry out an IPM program, you need
                         shortly before harvesting.             to  scout  and  monitor  your  fields,  recognize
                     6.  Many  of  these  products  act  very  quickly   abnormal  conditions  and  identify  their  causes,
                         inhibiting  insect  feeding  even  though  long   understand  the  different  control  methods
                         term they do (will?) not cause insect death.   available, and determine the economic costs and
                     7.  Since  most  of  these  products  have  a   benefits. A good IPM program requires planning,
                         stomach   action   and   are   rapidly   monitory  and  evaluation.  Pest  management  are
                         decomposed  they  may  be  more  selective   very site-specific. Pest management is based on
                         to  insect  pests  and  less  aggressive  with   the identification of pests, accurate measurement
                         natural enemies.                       of  pest  populations,  assessment  of  damage
                     8.  Most  of  these  compounds  are  not   levels,  and  knowledge  of  available  pest
                         phytotoxic.                            management strategies or tactics that enable the
                     9.  Resistance  to  these  compounds  is  not   specialist  to  make  intelligent  decisions  about
                         developed  as  quickly  as  with  synthetic   control.  The  IPM  offers  the  possibility  of
                         pesticides.                            improving  the  effectiveness  of  pest  control
                                                                programs  while  reducing  some  of  the  negative
                    4.4 Disadvantages of Natural Pesticides     effects.  Many  successful  IPM  programs  have
                                                                reduced  pesticide  use  and  increased  protection
                     1.  Most  of  these  products  are  not  truly   of the environment.
                         pesticides  since  many  are  merely  insect
                         deterrents and their effect is slow.   5. CONCLUSION
                     2.  They  are rapidly  degraded by  UV  light  so
                         that their residual action is short.   Soil pollution, Air pollution has occurred from the
                     3.  Not  all  plant  pesticides  are  less  toxic  to   use of synthetic pesticides and it takes years and
                         other animals than synthetic ones.     sometimes decades for some of these chemicals
                     4.  They are not necessarily available season   to break down. These pesticides are also harmful
                         long.                                  to the animal, microorganisms, plants as well as
                     5.  Most of them have no established residue   human  health.  Luckily  there  are  many  Natural
                         tolerances.                            pesticides  (Biopesticides)  that  are  also  effective

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