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Oguh et al.; AJBGE, 2(3): 1-18, 2019; Article no.AJBGE.53356

                    similarly to the old nerve poisons that result from   chemical,  and  then  it  must  be  structurally
                    knocking-down,  rapid  intoxication,  lack  of   identical to a naturally occurring chemical. Minor
                    coordination,  paralysis  and  death,  and  have   differences  between  the  stereochemical  isomer
                    higher  affinity  to  insect  receptors  than  to   ratios (found in the naturally occurring compound
                    mammalian. The other insecticides affect specific   compared  to  the  synthetic  compound)  will
                    systems,  such  as  the  molting  processes,   normally not rule out a chemical being classified
                    metamorphosis  and  the  insect  endocrinology   as  a  bio-rational  unless  an  isomer  is  found  to
                    system.   All   the   bio-rational   or   low-risk   have   significantly   different   toxicological
                    insecticides have relatively low detrimental effect   properties  from  those  of  another  isomer.  Thus,
                    on the environment and its inhabitants, and have   application of active  toxic  bio-rational agents as
                    little  or  no  adverse  consequence  for  non-target   an alternative control strategy results in an urge
                    organisms, thus rendering them among important   to  look  for  environment-friendly,  biodegradable
                    components in IPM program [12].             and easily available at affordable prices products
                                                                for pest’s control.
                    4.1 Scope of Biopesticides
                                                                4.2 Regulations of Bio-rational Pesticides
                    Efforts  have  been  made  to  find  bio-rational
                    insecticides with novel modes of action and have   The philosophy and approach to the regulations
                    no  cross-resistance  with  the  old  insecticides.   of bio-rational pesticides shall require registrants
                    Biopesticides  are  a  distinct  group,  inherently   to obtain clearance from the expert's committee
                    different  from  conventional  pesticides.  They  are   prior  to  the  registration  of  the  products.  In
                    comprised  of  two  major  categories,  the   regulating  bio-rational  pesticides,  it  shall  be
                    biochemical   pest   control   agents   (e.g.,   recognized  that  these  kinds  of  pesticides  are
                    pheromones,  hormones,  natural  plant  growth   inherently  different  from  conventional  pesticides
                    regulators and enzymes) and the microbial pest   and  will  take  due  consideration  that  many
                    control agents (e.g., microorganisms). Pesticides   classes of biopesticide control agents might pose
                    to  be  included  in  these  categories  must  be   lower potential risks than conventional pesticides.
                    naturally  occurring,  or  if  man  synthesizes  the   The   most   important   inherent   difference

                                           Fig. 6. Mode of action of natural pesticides

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