Page 1 - Natural Pesticides PDF Flipbook
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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

         Natural Pesticides (Biopesticides) and Uses in Pest Management-A Critical

         Article · December 2019

         CITATIONS                                            READS
         6                                                    5,771

         6 authors, including:
              Collins Egwu Oguh                                     Chibuike Samuel Ubani
              University of Nigeria                                 University of Nigeria
              34 PUBLICATIONS   59 CITATIONS                        46 PUBLICATIONS   120 CITATIONS
                SEE PROFILE                                          SEE PROFILE

              Uchechukwu Okekeaji                                   Eustace Ugochukwu
              University of Nigeria                                 University of Nigeria
              8 PUBLICATIONS   12 CITATIONS                         2 PUBLICATIONS   8 CITATIONS
                SEE PROFILE                                          SEE PROFILE

         Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

                Environmental and Toxicology View project

                Micronutrients, Phytotoxins, Antioxidant properties of leafy vegetables use as food in Nigeria View project

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