P. 16

No more regrets!  As I am approached by friends and relatives, the  The  "Draft"  ended  in  1973,  but  prior  to  the  end  of  the  draft,
     conversation between us deepens as we talked about the number of  applications  for  employment,  applications  for  driver's  licenses,
     years that I invested in the military; to include my years in civil  applications  for  student  loans  and  much  more,  the  most  visible
     service (or most widely known as the Department of the Air Force  question on those applications appeared in "Bold" letters, "Have you
     Civil Service. Their questions are those that stirred me to a lengthy  registered for the selective service, otherwise known as the "Draft."
     explanation of my 30 years of combined service in the United States  Many men of color that could not afford to pay for college or even
     Army and the United States Air Force, and my 20 years of honorable  had a medical exemption (i.e., condition) that excluded them from
     service in the Department of the Air Force Civil Service.  Without  the draft; consequently, all accepted the call from "Uncle Sam.
     pausing  for  a  moment,  I  explained  in  detail,  how  I  managed  18
     months of enlistment, surviving harsh treatment, racism; but at the  Uncle Sam's prelude boldly read, "Greetings, you are hereby ordered
     same time, I developed commitment and structure.           for induction into the Armed Forces.  Those who received the letter
                                                                had two choices to respond to Uncle Sam's personal letter. The first
     My time in the United States Army began as a draftee.  A draftee is  choice;  "run"  from  the  order  and  the  second  choice;  "report"  as
     an individual selected to serve in the armed forces at a time of need.  ordered.  As did many males of color, I had no place to "run," so I
     Let me define this term, "at a time of need." At a time of need is as  reported to the United States Army, Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, North
     defined by the United States Government as a time when positions  Carolina.
     are needed in the armed forces, filled by males registered for the
     "Draft."  All male United States citizens and immigrants, ages 18  The United States Army experience and the subsequent United States
     through 25, are required to register with the government.  Looking  Air Force experience proved to be both rewarding and abundantly
     back…                                                      secure for my family. I personally had no regrets for the path that I
                                                                entered and exited for retirement.  On the other hand, my friends

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