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and  my  relatives  expressed  their  regrets  in                                 works  for  the  good  of  those  who  love
   response, "If I had gone in" when you went in                                     Him.?They  are  the  people  He  called,  be-

   or "if I had stayed-in for 20 or even 30 years                                    cause that was His plan.
   as you stayed-in," I, too, could be retired, living
   with  a  sizeable  annuity,  receiving  excellent                                 Faith and obedience are fresh when they
   medical care and security for my family…If I                                      are seen through the lens of Isaiah 43:18-
   only  had  only  joined  when  you  joined  or                                    19, "Forget what happened before, and do
   when drafted, stayed in as you did, I would                                       not think about the past. ?Look at the new
   not  have  any  regrets.  My  response  to  my                                    thing  I  am  going  to  do.  ?It  is  already
   friends  and  relatives,  "I  have  no  regrets…."                                happening. Don't you see it?  I will make a

   The paths given to me at times proved to be                                       road  in  the  desert  and  rivers  in  the  dry
   dark and difficult, but I overcame those diffi-                                   land." God is making a way for you and for
   culties through hard work, perseverance and                                       all men.
   forgetting  those  things  left  behind  or  those
   things that I failed to accomplish or overcome.                                   So Men, connect to the teaching of Bishop
   I  learned  to  move  forward  and  follow  that                                  Merton L. Clark, become a campaigner for
   illuminated path created by God.                                                  Abishai Inspired Men and embrace the pull
                                                                                     of the Holy Spirit on your life so that you
   Even now, as you read this article and reflect                                    too  will  realize  "you  are  Tenacious,"  you
   on the missed opportunities, the misdirected  The gift of light is available to all men,  are delivered, and you are a gift of light for
   paths taken and even the failed relationships;  and  it  is  available  through  faith  and  God, for your family and for every man that
   through it all, you made it and there is more  obedience in God.                  you engage.

   in store for you! There is that gift of light that
   illuminates as  your legacy is laid out in your  As  men,  when  we  allow  God's  will  to  My name is Johnie S. Stevens, and I am an
   family, as you walk through your community,  become our will, we take on some direct  Abishai Inspired Man!
   as you lay out paths at your place of employ-  action. That action is clear in Romans
   ment and as you move among other men.      8:28; "We know that in everything God

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