P. 22
God intended for marriage to thrive in an environment of
complete nakedness: physically, emotionally, mentally, and
spiritually. In a relationship founded on honor, there is a
mutual trust that allows for the sharing of differences and the
exploration of the most delicate aspects of life. Your spouse
becomes a sanctuary, providing a safe space where you can
discuss any issue without inflicting shame upon each other.
By putting these measures into practice, you can actively
pursue comprehension, trust, and the breakdown of any
erected barriers, thereby cultivating a more resilient and
robust marriage. Devoting effort to eliminating offenses and
proactively preventing the construction of emotional walls
signifies a wise and crucial step toward fostering a healthy,
flourishing relationship.
and discuss any issue. When your spouse feels
uncomfortable discussing a matter, understand that they
Couple's Prayer: Almighty God, we place our trust in you to
are metaphorically using a fig tree to cover their most
fulfill our deepest needs. Grant us the strength to forgive each
sensitive part—their heart.
other for past mistakes. Today, we purposefully place you at
the center of our marriage and family. Guide us to act with
In nurturing a relationship, some of the most therapeutic
integrity and to believe in the best in each other. Commence
words we can offer are "I'm sorry," accompanied by a
the healing process for any disappointments and frustrations
genuine acceptance of responsibility for our mistakes.
within our marriage as we embark on this new journey. Amen.
However, it's essential to recognize that apologies alone
may not dismantle the emotional barrier created by our
offenses; a response to an apology is necessary. The
healthy and constructive response is forgiveness, a
conscious choice to pardon and eliminate the barrier.
Forgiveness, as a choice, holds significant weight.
Opting not to forgive allows the barrier to persist,
hindering the progress of your relationship. True
forgiveness involves pardoning and deciding not to harbor
the offense against your spouse.
It's crucial to understand that there are limitations to what
forgiveness can achieve. Forgiveness does not erase the
memory of the offense, contrary to the notion that
forgiving means forgetting. Our brains store every
experience, and sometimes, even after forgiveness, the
memory resurfaces. Additionally, forgiveness does not
eradicate all painful emotions. Memories may evoke
feelings of hurt, anger, sorrow, and others.
In handling these memories and emotions, a beneficial
approach is to remind ourselves that our spouse has
apologized, and we have made the choice to forgive them.
This acknowledgment allows us to navigate the
complexities of emotional responses while maintaining
the commitment to forgiveness in our relationship.