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this reason, a man shall leave his father foundation of trust remaining, and open up about situations, feelings, and
and his mother and shall be joined to walls are erected within the thoughts they simply want the other
his wife, and they shall become one relationship. to better understand.
flesh. And the man and his wife were
both naked and were not ashamed or Building Trust and Breaking Motive as the Foundation of Trust:
embarrassed." In the idyllic setting of Down Walls Orientation to the Best for Your
Eden, God provided Adam and Eve "I know I should trust in his abilities and Spouse: Prioritize your spouse's well-
with everything they needed, judgment, but those feelings just aren’t being and make decisions with their
demonstrating His commitment to there." Another might express, "I try to best interests in mind.
their well-being. have a positive attitude about my Competency and Skill Development:
marriage, but I can’t help resenting Develop Skills: Similar to how you
Marriage is not just a one-time event her." wouldn't trust a bank that doesn't lock
marked by the wedding ceremony; its doors, competency is vital. Invest in
rather, it is a lifelong journey of mutual When trust is lacking, what steps can developing the skills necessary for a
growth and unity. The struggles faced be taken to rebuild it? healthy relationship.
together in marriage often serve to Transparency and Accountability:
fortify the bond and intricately weave Trust Understands Each Other - Character/Forgiveness, Self-Control: Be
hearts together. The process of Effective communication : transparent and accountable for your
becoming one in marriage unfolds Validate. Avoid judging your spouse’s actions. Embrace qualities like
over time, with the wedding ceremony feelings based on how you would forgiveness and self-control.
merely marking the beginning of this respond in the same situation. Set Interdependence over
transformative journey. aside your own agenda. “Wow, that Independence:
must be frustrating,” or “I can see how Move from Selfish to Selfless: Foster an
Nevertheless, there exist threats to you’d be excited about that.” attitude of interdependence, moving
away from selfish tendencies to selfless
trust. Satan, intent on undermining Share. Turn on your emotional Radar
actions that benefit the relationship as
God's plan, approached Eve in the and truly put yourself in their shoes.
a whole.
Garden of Eden, enticing her to eat See the world from their eyes. Allow
Track Record of Consistency:
from the tree of knowledge of good yourself to experience any part of the
Consistency in Words and Actions:
and evil. Upon learning of this, Adam anger, frustration, excitement,
chose to partake as well, leading to the happiness, or whatever feeling they are Build trust through a consistent track
corruption of the goodness and purity expressing to you. record of aligning your words with
in their lives. This is evident as Adam Act. Take what you’ve come to your actions.
Spiritual Connection: Pursuing God:
and Eve, recognizing their nakedness, understand from the previous steps
Foster a connection with God through
used fig leaves to cover their and respond in compassion. Keep in
prayer, fasting, reading the Bible, and
vulnerable areas. mind that this very well may not be the
communion together.
time to “fix” their problem. A helpful
Investment in the Relationship:
Similarly, the adversary's attacks may trick I’ve learned is to ask my spouse,
Pursue Your Spouse: Make pursuing
manifest in attempts to derail “Is this a time you want me to listen
your spouse a daily decision, not just
individuals through discouragement, and help you figure out a solution, or
reserved for special occasions. Work
frustration, hopelessness, and/or would it be more helpful to listen and
consistently on the relationship to
anxiety. Interestingly, a lack of trust in simply try to under-stand?” More often
ensure it improves year after year.
the seemingly small and mundane than not, she simply needs an
Foster an atmosphere of
aspects of life can potentially harm a empathetic ear and a compassionate Blamelessness:
marriage as much as a lack of trust in response. It is crucial to exercise caution in both
matters of infidelity. The daily presence Practice vulnerability. Empathy our words and actions, avoiding
of nagging, second-guessing, and the begets empathy. What I mean is, it’s a
engagement in the blame game.
withholding of support or intimacy can two-way street. Empathy is best built
Encourage an environment where
gradually erode love until there is no when both people in the marriage
there is freedom to openly confront