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The institution of marriage, viewed as a sacrament rather than ● Resolve conflicts before bedtime.
a contract, transcends physical boundaries. Unlike a contract, ● Choose love over financial considerations.
drafted on paper, a covenant is etched onto the heart. While ● Embrace love, unselfishness, ongoing courtship, open
contracts come laden with fine print and stipulations, communication, and righteousness.
covenants are characterized by their unconditional nature.
Contrary to contracts with potential penalties for non- However, the emphasis in this session is on the proposition
compliance, a covenant, if breached, embraces forgiveness. that TRUST is foundational for a healthy and successful
marriage, comparable to how faith is essential to a testimony.
In contrast to contracts devoid of spiritual references, a
covenant is firmly grounded in faith in God. Where contracts To delve deeper into the significance of trust in marital
rely on human effort, covenants rest upon grace. While partnerships, two core components are considered:
contracts conclude with signatures, covenants are sealed by
spoken words and vows. TRUST IN THE LORD - On the day you articulated your
wedding vows, you professed a faith anchored in His
The profound commitment exchanged in the marriage trustworthiness, inviting Him as a partner in your marriage
ceremony epitomizes the core of a covenant: alongside your spouse. According to Philippians 1:6, where
"I now take you to be my wedded wife/husband, to live God declares, "I began the work, and I will finish it," your role
together according to God's ordinance in the holy is to place complete trust in Him and obediently embrace His
relationship of marriage. I promise to love and comfort you, guidance for your marriage. You can rest assured in
honor and keep you, forsaking all others. I vow to be true to unwavering faith that God will bring to completion what He
you in good times and bad, in sickness and health, loving and began.
honoring you all the days of my life."
TRUST IN MARRIAGE - God holds a profound love for
So what makes a strong marriage? marriage, being the first institution He created, and
● Prioritize your partner over yourself. everything He creates is designed for success. Genesis
● Allocate time away from children and responsibilities. 2:24-25 illustrates the divine intention for marital unity: "For