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counts  based  on  their  tax  treatment,  you  6.  Estate  Planning:  Securing  your  giving, estate planning, and business
    can dramatically improve after-tax returns.  legacy without proper planning, estate  operations  through  a  tax  lens  -  you
    For instance, placing high-turnover, actively  taxes  can  severely  erode  the  wealth  can meaningfully and sustainably im-
    managed funds in an IRA while reserving  you've worked so hard to build. Fortu-  prove  your  financial  standing.  You'll
    tax-efficient  index  funds  for  taxable  ac-  nately, there are numerous strategies  gain more than just a lower tax bill;
    counts can result in substantial tax savings  to  minimize  these  taxes  and  ensure  you'll gain peace of mind, a sense of
    over time, see examples below:           more of your assets go to your intend-  control  over  your  financial  destiny,
                                             ed beneficiaries. From annual gifting  and the satisfaction of knowing you're
                                             to irrevocable trusts to charitable giv-  making the most of every hard-earned
    ■  Actively  managed  funds  in  taxable  ac-
     count                                   ing vehicles, the options are vast - but  dollar.
    ■ Index funds in IRA                     so is the complexity. To protect your
    ■ Total tax paid over 20 years: $100,000  legacy  and  provide  for  your  loved  But tax planning is not without risks and
                                             ones, it's crucial to incorporate estate  challenges.  Ever-changing  tax  laws,  com-
                                             planning  into  your  overall  financial  plex rules and regulations, and the potential
    ■ Actively managed funds in IRA          strategy, ideally with the guidance of  for costly missteps make it critical to con-
    ■ Index funds in taxable account         an experienced professional.       sult with a qualified tax professional before
    ■ Total tax paid over 20 years: $60,000                                     implementing any significant tax strategies.

                                             7.  Business  Tax  Strategy: Fueling  With expert guidance and a commitment to
        .  Supercharging:  Your  Retirement  growth  and  profitability  for  business  ongoing learning, you can feel confident in
       Savings  Retirement  accounts  like   owners,  strategic  tax  planning  is  an  your ability to navigate the tax landscape
       401(k)s, IRAs, and HSAs offer unparal-  essential driver of growth and profit-  and secure the brightest possible financial
       leled opportunities for tax-advantaged  ability. The right tax strategy can help  future  for  yourself,  your  family,  and  your
       saving. By contributing the maximum   you:                               business.
       amount allowed, you can slash your
       current tax bill while building a nest  ■ Select the most advantageous entity type  The Time to Act Is Now
       egg for the future. And if your employ-  and tax treatment.              Don't wait until next April to start thinking
       er offers a Roth 401(k) option, consid-  ■  Maximize  deductions  for  business  ex-  about taxes. The sooner you embrace stra-
       er contributing at least enough to take  penses, assets, and investments.  tegic tax planning, the sooner you can start
       full advantage of any available match  ■ Take advantage of tax credits for activi-  reaping  the  benefits:  enhanced  cash  flow,
       - it's essentially free money! Just be  ties  like  research  and  development  or  greater investment returns, a faster-growing
       sure to review your plan regularly and  energy efficiency.               nest egg, a more secure retirement, a stron-
      adjust  contributions  as  your  circum-  ■  Optimize  your  compensation  mix  to  ger business, and a lasting legacy of finan-
      stances change.                      minimize payroll taxes.              cial strength.

                                          ■ Time income and expenses strategically
      5.  The  Triple  Tax  Benefits  of   to level out your tax liability.     So,  take  the  first  step  today.  Schedule  a
      Health  Savings  Accounts  (HSAs):  ■ Develop a tax-efficient succession or exit  consultation with a trusted tax professional
      For eligible individuals, HSAs offer a  plan.  The  key  is  to  be  proactive,  stay  and  start  charting  your  course  to  lower
      triple tax benefit: tax-deductible contri-  informed of changing tax laws, and work  taxes, higher returns, and enduring financial
      butions, tax-free growth, and tax-free  closely  with  your  tax  advisor  to  seize  success. Your future self will thank you.
      withdrawals for qualified medical ex-  opportunities and sidestep pitfalls.
      penses. By maximizing your HSA con-
      tributions and investing the funds for  8.  Putting  It  All  Together:  Your
      long-term  growth,  you  can  build  a  roadmap to financial success strategic
      powerful  tax-free  nest  egg  for  future  tax planning is a complex and contin-  Yvette Hampton, MBCP, CFA
      healthcare costs. And if you're able to  ual  process,  but  the  payoff  can  be  CEO - Finance Navigator
      pay current medical expenses out-of-   immense. By taking a holistic, proac-  Diversify Management, LLC
      pocket  while  leaving  your  HSA  bal-  tive approach - optimizing your invest-  6050 Babcock St. SE, Ste. 21
      ance to grow, the tax-free compound-   ments, retirement planning, charitable  Palm Bay, FL 32909
      ing can be tremendous over time.                                          321-327-2875

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