Page 23 - REVEALED JUNE 2024
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In Romans 8:28 we learn that God works all things together instructed in Matthew 25. Until you get further instructions,
for the good of those who love Him, who are called share the Gospel with all those who need to hear as in
according to HIS purpose… So, once you know what God's Matthew 28. Become a living, breathing, walking epistle and
purpose is, and you surrender to HIS purpose - everything DOER of the Word. If you are not able to lend helping hands
you need to carry out that purpose will be provided. and volunteer, then contribute your resources to assist
those who can as in Matthew 6.
HCI recently conducted our first annual Fund-Raising
Give-A-Thon. We also added additional people to our Board All 66 books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations are
to create a "Fundraising Committee." HCI thrives on the about the same thing - What do you have to do to enter the
generosity and support of the community we serve. We are kingdom of heaven? The entire chapter of Matthew 25
always grateful for donations of time, treasure, money, specifically speaks to this topic and gives you clear
goods, and services. In order to carry out our mission (our instructions.
purpose), we need you to prayerfully consider giving to HCI.
Become a volunteer, or partner with us and make it a Consider, "What have you done for God lately?" If this was
recurring gift! your last day on this earth, would He be able to say to you
- Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been
I often get the question, "What can I do to help?" As children faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many
of God, I say, "What would Jesus do?" We know what He things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
wants us to do, because He has made it clear in His Word.
If you just read the "Red" letter scriptures in the New My prayer is that you say "YES" to the Lord today and that
Testament, you would never have to ask that question of I would see you on the other side, walking the streets of
anyone again. If you can't think of anything else to do, I heaven in the sweet by and by. AMEN.
would suggest simply serving the least of these as