Page 79 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 79
The A n es B na n H h 78
The final chapter in our tale, as told by Sir Tators Jones
The Return to London
“Well fellows, you’ve been a great help!” Said
William. “You’ve completed many of our necessary
tasks, you’ve helped defend us from hundreds of Indians,
and you’ve helped us rebuild our colony to the point that
it’s better than when it started if I do say so myself,” He
added. “We are grateful. To repay you, along with this
ship, we bestow upon this medallion.” He handed a solid
gold coin to Bernard
“What is this?” Bernard asked.
“This is a taxation medallion. If you, your
children, your children’s children, and so on, ever come
back to the New World, we will fully pay any money
you are taxed,” William said.