Page 11 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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Quadrangle Feb21 v11.qxp_Layout 1  04/03/2021  15:30  Page 11


                                               Arkwright success

                                               Congratulations to William (S5) on being
                                               awarded a prestigious Arkwright
                                               Arkwright Engineering Scholars represent
                                               the country’s ‘brightest and best’ 16 year
                                               old students who are keen to become
                                               future leaders in the Engineering
                 Schools for Young
                                               Out of 1,546 applicants in the UK, 736
                 Carers award
                                               students were originally selected to go
                 George Heriot’s is part of the fist   through to the interview stage. Heriot’s
                 cohort of schools across the country   pupils Avinash, William K, Cameron,
                 to be granted the We Care: Schools    William S, Joe and Amius were amongst
                 for Young Carers award.       those who made it to this stage.
                 We Care recognises and rewards   Unfortunately, Covid meant that interviews
                 good practice in identifying and   could not go ahead and scholars were
                 supporting young carers in schools   selected on the strength of their   New Principal:
                 across Scotland and commended   application and aptitude exam with only   Gareth Warren
                 Heriot’s on its pastoral care   16 awards going to Scottish students. This
                 approaches:                   makes William’s achievement all the more   On behalf of the Board of Governors, we are
                                               outstanding.                       delighted to announce the appointment of
                 “In your efforts to introduce and
                                                                                  new Principal, Mr Gareth Warren.
                 improve practice and policy across
                 your school, you have begun to                                   Currently Rector of Morrison’s Academy in
                 achieve some amazing outcomes                                    Crieff, having held the position since 2015,
                 for young carers and the panel                                   Mr Warren is an inspirational leader with a
                 commends you for your                                            clear vision and a proven track record. Chair
                 commitment and effort in                                         of Governors, Joyce Cullen said “we are
                 identifying and supporting young                                 confident that Gareth will build on Heriot’s
                 carers in your school community.”                                illustrious past and create an exciting future
                                                                                  for our very special school.”
                 We are proud to have a strong,
                 committed Pastoral Care team which                               Mr Warren will take over from Mrs Franklin,
                 encourages our young people to be                                who steps down as Principal at the end of
                 kind to themselves as well as to one                             the 2021 session.
                 another. An attitude that is in                                  The next edition of Quadrangle will bring
                 keeping with the ethos of the school -                           you features on both Principals as we bid
                 to distribute chearfullie of kindness,                           farewell to Mrs Franklin and welcome
                 of support and of generosity.                                    Mr Warren.

               Defib fundraiser                been placed in the popular café, Soderberg,
                                               in Quartermile, Edinburgh.
               The Rectory is now the proud owner of a
               defibrillator thanks to the kind efforts of   Lynn Cleal, who runs the St John and the
               forward-thinking S1 pupils.     City Defibrillator Project said:
                                               “Words are not enough to praise and thank
               With the Heriot’s ethos of distributing
                                               these young people for all they have done.
               chearfullie firmly at the forefront of their
                                               Everyone at St John Scotland is so proud of
               minds, the pupils put plans in place to raise
                                               the George Heriot’s P7R 2019-2020
               funds to purchase a defibrillator. Their
                                               pupils and the effort they have put in to
               brilliant fundraising started when they were
                                               fundraising for these essential devices. It’s
               in P7 and we are delighted that they have
                                               fantastic that through this project they have
               successfully managed to raise enough funds
                                               also learned about, and raised awareness
               to purchase not one but two defibrillators!
                                               of, cardiac arrest and how CPR and
               One has been installed on our bustling
                                               defibrillators can save lives.”
               campus and will be a vitally important piece
               of equipment to have on site. The other has   Well done to all young fundraisers.
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