Page 13 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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               huge importance of rugby: I will never forget the
               comradeship and shared endeavour, and the pride
               in representing my school. As a Prefect for two years,
               I also learned something about responsibility.
               How has life progressed since you left the gates
               of Lauriston Place?
               On leaving Heriot’s I completed an MA (Hons.
               Economics) at Edinburgh University. I participated
               in extra-curricular activities notably the Economics
               Society, where I became President. In the summer
               of 1962, I went on a live/work student exchange
               programme to the US where I visited leading
               Business Schools; this experience determined my
               decision to apply to the Harvard Business School.
               Undoubtedly thanks to the crucial support of my then
               Professor, Alan Peacock, I was admitted. Since I had
               no money, I was fortunate to win scholarships from
               the Saint Andrew’s Society of New York and from
               Shell International, which covered the very high costs.
               How wonderful to benefit from scholarships at
               both school and university. How did life pan out
               after Business School?
               I joined Xerox, Boston as a Marketing Executive,
               before moving to London as Executive Assistant to
               the Chairman of Pergamon Press, Robert Maxwell.
               Thereafter, I was invited into the world of executive
               search consulting, becoming first a Partner at Egon
               Zehnder International and later at Heidrick&Struggles
               Inc. - working out of London, New York, Brussels and
               Tokyo. I founded my own management consulting
               firms based in the Middle East and in New

               In New York during the 1990’s I was involved in
               business and investment banking linking the U.S.,
               China and the Far East. I helped to set up a Chinese
               merchant bank with a former Chinese American
               colleague. Returning to London, I worked with an
               American group to set up a private equity fund
               specialising in high technology ventures. Later, I was
               involved in a project to offer business re-engineering
               consulting services to telecoms and retail groups
               seeking to monetise their broadband field service
               forces in the UK and China.
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