Page 14 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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                 HERIOT’S                                                                  Jimmy with his brother Ken Johnstone (1965)
                                                                                                who was a Foundationer at Heriot's

                 TO HARVARD
                 - BUILDING A RUGBY LEGACY


                In the early ‘80’s, I undertook an instructive   Blackheath and Racing Paris. Given our world
                spell in the public sector, as CEO of the Scottish   class playing facility, the Club is now in the
                Council for Development and Industry, charged   process of reviving these activities, attracting a
                with attracting international investment and   wider regional audience. The Harvard rugby
                developing the country's exports. I continued   community is in discussions with State and
                as an independent consultant, with activities   local authorities as to how we can develop
                including the exploration of biomass to energy   rugby in local schools, using our artificial all-
                ventures in India using UK technology, the   weather facilities and pool of coaching
                development of a global marketing strategy    expertise. Everyone is committed to expanding
                for a US revolutionary mechanics hand tool   the game we love – which I learned on the
                innovation and working with Timelooper, a   fields of Goldenacre!
                leading developer of digital, immersive VR/AR
                                                  Tell us a bit about the support you’ve
                visitor experiences at iconic sites worldwide.
                                                  received from the alumni of the Club?
                I also advise senior executives on career
                                                  The ‘Old Boys’ Club has been a crucial part of
                development strategies.
                                                  the support for HBS Rugby for many years. Led
                What an incredible career. What have your   by Mike Rush, former player and coach, they
                experiences in business taught you?   have toured multiple countries. Every autumn,
                It has been a fascinating career involving many   they arrange a weekend reunion for Old Boys
                business sectors across five continents. I have   and current Club members – reception, dinner
                had my successes and failures but above all,    and a game between the two parties! I have
                I value the opportunities I have had to work   been to several and enjoyed them enormously.
                with people of many nationalities and cultures.   They organised our 50th Anniversary in 2013,
                George Heriot realised, way ahead of his time,   attracting over 200 global HBS Rugby alumni
                that education - especially for those in need –   to the celebration. The ‘Old Boys’ are
                was the key to opening up the world of   important, continuing financial support for HBS
                opportunities. My young brother, Ken   Rugby, and making a substantial contribution
                Johnstone, was a Foundationer at the School   to the new $5 million field.
                between 1959 and 1965 so I know first-hand
                                                  HBS Rugby Football Club is flourishing – at
                how Heriot’s ethos of ‘distributing chearfullie’
                                                  home and away. An amazing 2,000 people
                can impact a life. In my small way, I hope to
                                                  have played for the Club since its foundation.
                have been amongst those who have proved
                                                  The sport of Rugby is open to all students at
                our good founder right!
                                                  Harvard University – the College, the Graduate
                As Founder of the HBS Rugby Football Club,   Schools and women. I am so proud that this
                do you keep up to date with developments   part of my Heriot’s experience has been put
                overseas?                         to such good use.
                Given my international wanderings, I had little
                                                  And finally, what are your core ‘takeaways’
                formal contact with the Club for many years.
                                                  from your school days?
                Around twenty years ago I was contacted by
                                                  To sum up, I was challenged, encouraged,
                the then captain, enquiring whether I would be
                                                  motivated and happy through my time at
                interested in meeting up with the team, over
                                                  Heriot’s. I was able to lay the foundations of
                for a tournament. I just asked ‘what took you
                                                  confidence, expertise, trust, friendship and
                so long?’ and since then have been closely
                                                  ambition which were to serve me so well in the
                involved with developments at the Club.
                                                  years ahead. I made friendships then which are
                What are your hopes for the Club’s future?
                                                  still with me to this day, well over 60 years later.
                During my years in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
                we started a 7’s tournament which continued   To find out more about Harvard Business
                for 35 years. HBS rugby took the lead in   School Rugby Football Club, please visit:
                forming New England Select teams to play
                                                                                                      Jimmy Johnstone (1958)
                against overseas visitors like London Scottish,
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