Page 17 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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               poverty with Mr Dougal in R.E, my Registration   public good, at what is an exciting time of   I hope that doesn’t sound too sententious:
               Class with Mr Chalmers in 6th year, all of my   opportunity for the United Kingdom.    it should also be stimulating and fun.  And,
               English classes, and the informal ‘Modern                            in the context of practising in the court, when
                                                  We know you will be given life peerage to
               Studies’ class that Mr Caw organised in Sixth                        everything seems to be going wrong -
                                                  fulfil your new position. What excites you
               Year, which was a window into Politics and                           remember, as a kindly judge said, that four
                                                  most about this?
               Philosophy. I had two seasons in the 1st XV;                         o’clock always comes.
                                                  The range of work that I do, the expertise and
               and learned to row, participating in the Scottish
                                                  skill of those with whom I’m working, the   Finally, what are your core ‘takeaways’
               Schools Championships. Overall, my time at
                                                  surroundings of the Houses of Parliament, and   from your Heriot’s days?
               school always seemed to be fun - having a
                                                  Whitehall - and indeed my new Edinburgh   I began my schooling at a very small primary
               laugh during break and in the Refectory, all the
                                                  office off the Canongate: all these things are   school.  I remember vividly going up to Heriot’s
               slogans, games and nicknames that children
                                                  very exciting and inspiring, but, at the same   for the first time, and being fascinated by its
               and teenagers devise.
                                                  time, humbling. I call to mind that I was   size, and its history. Hundreds of pupils, instead
               You were called to the bar in 1993, which   appointed to my post, I wasn’t elected; and   of tens; dozens of teachers and staff, in all sorts
               must have been a huge turning point in   that there are many who have talents which   of disciplines. The sense of the school as an
               your professional development? Tell us   equal or surpass mine. But I am surrounded by   institution, in which I would participate, and,
               more.                              people who provide good examples for me to   in a tiny way, shape - as it would be shaped by
               it is an honour and a privilege to plead causes   try to follow. I was very conscious of the   the others who were there before me and who
               in the courts - to be one in whom others put   honour, after making my maiden speech in the   would be there after me - made a profound
               their trust, their hopes, and their expectations.    Lords, of being welcomed to the House by Lord   impression. I wondered whether I would ever
               By the time I had finished my training as a   Mackay of Clashfern, a Herioter, who has made   be in a photograph in the Refectory, and
               solicitor, I had the clear sense that it was in this   a huge contribution to national life and who, as   whether others would wonder about me, as
               area - only one of many - that I wanted to   a lawyer, and as a parliamentarian, commands   I wondered about those in the old pictures at
               practise. I relished the independence of the Bar,   universal respect and affection.   which I looked. That, of course, is something
               but also the collegiate nature of the Faculty of                     I realise now, not something I would necessarily
                                                  If you could offer any pearls of wisdom
               Advocates.                                                           have articulated at the time.
                                                  to current pupils hoping to follow a similar
               You were made a QC in 2011. How has this   career path, what would you advise?   When I think of my time at school, there were
               impacted your career?              The most important things for a court lawyer   lots of opportunities before me which I took:
               ‘Taking silk’- that is, becoming Queen’s Counsel   are to be trusted by professional colleagues, and   but lots which I didn’t, and in retrospect wish I
               - was, in a sense, confirmation that others   by the Bench; bear this in mind, try not to cut   had taken - the clubs and societies I didn’t join,
               thought well of my abilities. It was a matter of   corners. Try to be kind to all those with whom   games I didn’t play, even the subjects I might
               validation. In practical terms, it marked the   your work brings you into contact: when faced   have taken. But at all times I remember being
               point from which I was instructed to lead for   with the irascible, the intolerant, those who will   encouraged, at work and in sport: with criticism
               the Defence, in murder trials, and trials   not bend or compromise where such a course   which was always constructive, and never
               involving other crimes of the most serious sort.   would be reasonable (I mean clients, as well as   dismissive. I hope all Herioters will take
                                                  judges) remember that they may have been   something of that with them as they go into
               Supporting the work of the UK Government
                                                  shaped by serious difficulties, difficulties which   the world.
               is no mean feat. How do you feel about
                                                  you, perhaps, might be called upon to try to sort   And on that note, my best wishes to all
               taking on the role as Advocate General for
                                                  out.  Law is guided by wisdom, as much as by   Herioters, and in particular- I was asked to say
                                                  intellectual expertise - and that wisdom can best   this - to Ross Mitchell, Fraser Innes and Rory Tait
               I feel very proud to have been appointed to the
                                                  be obtained by observing and trying to   in Murano Halls at Glasgow University.
               post. I look forward to doing what I can, for the
                                                  understand those whom you come across.
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