Page 22 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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                                                         Paul Clark (1974)           famous Margaret River wine region. These
                                                         Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand   days I keep busy as a Director of an Aged Care
                                                                                     company and keep fit competing in Ironman
                                                                                     Triathlon races.
                                                                                            Michael Fordyce (1957)
                                                                                            Wakerley, Queensland, Australia

                and became a composer and playwright. I
                have since written music for 46 theatrical
                                                  My education continued in Edinburgh after
                productions. My credits include 12 short
                                                  leaving Heriots in 1974 - mixing beer and
                Australian plays for the Edinburgh Festival
                                                  football with Accounting & Finance at Heriot
                (2009), music for Shakespeare’s Queens/The
                                                  Watt. Following graduation, it was into CA
                Madness of King Lear, performed in Edinburgh,
                                                  training and then a chance to broaden horizons
                Stratford and London’s West End (2012), a
                                                  and come to NZ in 1983 with my wife Helen.
                stage play commissioned for Australia’s ANZAC
                                                  We settled permanently in NZ in 1986, and
                Centenary For The Sake of Mother England
                                                  subsequently raised 3 children all have whom
                (2015) and a musical for Sydney Grammar                              When I was elected President of the Institution
                                                  have been overseas but are currently back in NZ
                School, The Bloodhound Boys (2018).                                  of Structural Engineers in 2004, I used Structural
                                                  partially due to the pandemic. I retired in 2016
                                                                                     Engineering – a Passport to Travel as my theme
                       Graham Christie (1985)     having completed 30 years with PwC. I now do
                                                                                     and that has been my story, taking me to many
                       Bilgola, New South Wales,   some work with the University of Auckland,
                                                                                     interesting places, initially around the UK, then
                       Australia                  I stress not in a teaching capacity. I’d love to
                                                                                     Memphis (Tennessee) in the 70s, back to the
                                                  get back for the 50th anniversary and hear
                                                                                     UK, and since 1984 Brisbane has been home,
                                                  from anyone who’d like to be in touch.
                                                                                     apart from 18 months in Sri Lanka. As a result,
                                                         Jeff Dick (1974)            we have a very scattered family with 2 sons
                                                         Dunsborough, Western Australia   & 6 grandchildren in the UK, 2 daughters &
                                                                                     4 grandchildren in Brisbane, and another
                                                                                     granddaughter with our first great-grandson
                                                                                     in Japan. Apart from my marriage to my wife,
                                                                                     Joan, having a great family and being President
                                                                                     of IStructE, another highlight was being
                                                                                     awarded Engineers Australia’s John Connell
                I spent 12 years in Advertising, initially in
                                                                                     Gold Medal. Now retired, I am still involved in
                Edinburgh, then for several years in London
                                                                                     structural engineering as a Director of CROSS-
                before moving to Sydney in 1999. Advertising
                                                                                     AUS, but still find time for croquet, bowls and
                is a game for the young and headstrong so
                                                                                     of course travel.
                I was ideally suited, until I aged! I spent 5
                years with Vodafone which ignited a business                                Neil Henderson (1974)
                idea I pursued with passion to co-found my   After leaving Heriot’s, I completed Economics   Guerilla Bay, New South Wales,
                own digital media services business, growing    degrees at Aberdeen and Glasgow Universities   Australia
                it over 9 years to a team of 100 across   before starting work in the oil industry in   I was not a ‘sporty
                Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.   London. A spell in Management Consulting   player’ at school
                I’m now a seed investor and a mentor for start-  with McKinsey led to a career in Investment   as I found that
                ups, an independent consultant, and I have a   Management. In 2006, my wife, Casey,   both rugby and
                business transformation book being published   daughter Jasmine and I moved to Sydney    cricket could cause
                in April 2021.  I have the great pleasure of   – to be honest, I wish I had made the decision   extreme pain
                keeping the growing Heriot’s community in   to move sooner as Australia is a great place    which I avoided
                Australia connected with an age span ranging   to live. After retiring from full time work, we   like the plague.
                from the young and headstrong 20-  moved to Western Australia and now spend   I took up skiing
                somethings, to the jovial and vintaged 80-  our time between Perth and Dunsborough.    and sailing and
                somethings. George Heriot’s School and   The South West of Australia is one of the most   it transpired that
                Lauriston House run deep in my veins.    beautiful places and we are right next to the   I was reasonably
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